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Showing posts with label how to maintain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to maintain. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

How to remove scars and marks of acne

51. Boil cumin seeds in water and use this water to rinse your face.

52. Mix a pinch of salt to half spoon of ginger juice and dab on your acne to dry it up fast.

53. Mix lemon juice with a pinch of camphor and apply on pimples.

54. Mix neem oil, coconut oil with a pinch of camphor and then massage this mix gently on your face affected with pimple and pimple marks.

55. Mix curd, honey and egg white for smearing on acne and its ugly marks. Apt for mature and aged skin also.

56. Grate a potato and apply this on face to cure acne and its ugly marks. Potato's mild bleaching qualities lighten acne marks well.

57. 2 spoons of choker, half spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of honey and raw milk mask is good for treating pimple marks.

58. When you see a pimple popping out, just place ice cubes on it for 5 minutes to suppress it and then dab clove oil on it, pimple will not erupt.

59. Drink rose water and honey mixture daily on empty stomach and get rid of pimple and pimple marks naturally.

60. Drinking wheat grass juice daily helps to combat acne.

Home remedies to get rid of Acne

31. Groundnut oil and lemon juice combined in equal measure helps to remove pimples and redness.

32. Mix raw milk with besan(gram flour) and neem oil and use this homemade facial mask daily as a facial cleanser to get a clear, spotless and flawless skin.

33.  Application of egg white helps to dry up acne and lighten acne scars naturally.

34. Boil 50 gm of raspberry in strawberry of blueberry leaves in 1.5 litre of water and strain this mixture to rinse your face. Good beauty tip for pimples with an irritation and itching sensation.

35. Crush pain killer tablet aspirin in water and wash your face with this solution.

36. Dab calamine lotion on face to fight pimple and its stubborn marks.

37.Mix neem leaves with fuller's earth and apply on your face and neck.

38. Crush marigold flower with castor oil and and dab on your pimple to bring its zit to the top. Then suppress this pimple with basil and sandalwood paste to prevent it from erupting.

39. Mix hydrogen peroxide in your regular neem leaves face pack to banish pimple and zit quickly.

40. Tea tree oil mixed with apple cider vinegar works well to reduce the acne and oiliness of skin.

Pimples- Acne- Scars- Stop

21. Grind the leaves of fenugreek seeds and leave this preparation overnight on pimple-affected face.  This kitchen and homely  helps to cure pimples,  whiteheads, blackheads and all sorts of facial blemishes.

22. You can apply lemon juice mixed with mint juice and apply on your acne and its scars.

23. Grind a bunch of coriander leaves with turmeric and add a pinch of camphor to this mix and apply on pimples to cure them.

24. Soak up sesame seeds in water and grind them to make a fine paste. It helps in drying up acne and pimples.

25. Roast the skin of pomegranate and mix this with rose water and apply this on your face to cure persistent acne marks, whiteheads and blackheads naturally.

26. Rub the affected area with vinegar with salt added to it.This beauty treatment unclogs the pores and helps you get rid of pimples and oily surface.

27. Apply garlic paste on acne and its scars and see how anti-fungal qualities of garlic help to remove pimples fast.

28. Grind drumstick pods with lemon juice and use the resultant preparation on your face affected with pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.

29. Radish juice helps to dry up pimple when used topically on the face.

30. Apply orange peels mixed with multani mitti and rose water to have a skin that is pimple-free and clear.

Sunday 26 January 2014



When we are asked this question, most of us are temp
ted to answer 'Yes!' although we know that people who have millions of dollars are not necessarily happier than us. Few of us have not wondered how life would be if we were 'crorepatis'. We'd live in a bigger house, have a nicer car, and we'd be happy.

Then. What about now John Lennon once said 'Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.' You're running around trying to earn more money, waiting for that deal to get made, that contract to come through and before you know it, you've lived your life without enjoying or appreciating it.

Money can help you afford nicer things, but it cannot make you happier. True, abject poverty can be depressing. You would be hard pressed to find happiness if you are struggling to make ends meet, don't have enough money for food or shelter, cannot keep warm during the winter or cool during the summer. But if you are earning enough, have a comfortable lifestyle, have a family that loves you, are healthy and intelligent, count yourself lucky.

Want proof Think back to a time when you got something you wanted. Perhaps it was admission to a good college or a great job. You were on a high when you got that appointment letter, and that high lasted for weeks, maybe months. Then you started coming back to earth, and a couple of years later you are once again sitting with the rest of the office gang grumbling about the bad work conditions, your boss and nasty co-workers.

It's the same with money. A sudden windfall will give you a high, but once your feet find the ground, you're back to square one. If you get rich by commuting long hours to your office, working late into the night and neglect your friends and partner, you will find that you are not that happy as a person who may make less money than you do, but who spends time with his family, goes for more vacations with them and doesn't mind kicking up his legs and taking life easy every now and then.

Happiness is all a question of attitude. Study has shown that married people tend to be happier than single ones, though the singles seem to be out having all the fun. Fun is short-lived, while the security of a happy marriage is very fulfilling. This does not apply if you are unhappily married though. Singles are far happier than those trapped in unhappy marriages.

Surprisingly, studies have shown that couples with children are no happier than couples that choose not to have children.

So how happy are you really While we are always told to count are blessings, we don't really do so, and even if we do, we don't put any value or price on our blessings. Here's how you can calculate how rich you really are, in terms of happiness.

Start with your basic annual salary and then add your earnings as shown below:

Being female, 10k - Yes, studies have shown that women on the whole tend to be happier than men, perhaps because they have less of a desire to excel monetarily.

Aged 49 to 70 years, 10k - Older people tend to be more content than youngsters.

Happily married, 70k

Remarried after a divorce, 50k - Add this to the 70k

Work part-time, 30k - You have more time for yourself and for things that really matter.

Love your job, 30k - You spend 2/3rds of your day, and your life, at your job. If you love it, you will be happier than if you dislike it and are working only for the money.

Small commute, 10k

And now, deduct the following from your salary
Commute of an hour or more by car - 30k, by train - 70k
Serious illness - 200k
Recently lost loved one - 170k
Unhappily married - 150k

So remember, real joy is a choice. You can choose to be happy, even without that huge bank balance.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Copper T

Copper T is a very effective method of contraception. Its success rate in preventing pregnancy is high. It is inserted high in the uterus by a physician,and is effective for about 10 years. It does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Read here to know all about Copper T.

If you are wondering what contraception to opt for, perhaps you should consider the Copper T. Read on to find out if this would be suitable for you.

(This article is intended to provide general information, and should not serve as a substitute for a physician's advice.)

The Copper T 380A intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective, long-acting reversible contraceptives available. It is inserted high in the uterus by a physician, and provides enhanced contraceptive protection for up to ten years.

Copper IUDs actually prevent fertilization by reducing the number and viability of sperm reaching the egg, and by impeding the number and movement of eggs into the uterus. It is believed that the continuous release of copper from the coils and sleeves of the Copper T 380A into the uterine cavity enhances the contraceptive effect of the IUD.


The annual pregnancy rate of users of the Copper T 380A is well below 1%. In actual use during the first year, the Copper T 380A IUD is more effective than most other IUDs, oral contraceptives, condoms and barrier methods. The effectiveness of the Copper T 380A
IUD is related to age, with pregnancy rates decreasing for older women.

Duration of Effectiveness

The US Food and Drug Administration first approved the Copper T 380A for a duration of four years. In 1989, the FDA extended the period of efficacy to six years. On the basis of further data, in 1991 the US FDA approved use of the Copper T 380A for eight years and in 1994, the period of use was extended to ten years!

Shelf Life

The shelf life of the Copper T 380A IUD is seven years. If the date on the individual IUD sterilized packaging has expired, the device and its inserter should be discarded.

Tarnishing of Copper

Copper-bearing IUDs may show discoloration in their sterile packaging, but this should not cause alarm. The copper tarnishes because air passes through the sterile IUD package, causing a film to form on the surface. If the package is not damaged, and the expiration date on the package has not passed, the IUD will be sterile even if the copper on the device is tarnished.

Prevalence of Use

Worldwide, the IUD is the most widely used reversible contraceptive.
IUD use varies from country to country, reflecting differences in culture, availability, and choice of contraceptives, attitudes and training of providers, and fertility goals of women. In Scandinavia, 20 to 40 percent of contraceptive users have IUDs, while about 60 million Chinese women use IUDs.

Return of Fertility

The contraceptive effect offered by the Copper T 380A IUD is reversed when the device is removed. Conception rates following removal for planned pregnancy are normal, with rates of successful planned pregnancy unaffected by duration of IUD use.

Ideal Candidates for Copper T380A IUDs

The Copper T 380A IUD is recommended for women who:

have had at least one child;
are in mutually monogamous relationships; (IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases)
have no history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID);
choose not to use hormonal contraceptives.

Women Who Should NOT Use Copper T380A IUDs

The Copper T 380A IUD should not be inserted in a woman who:

is pregnant or is suspected to be pregnant;
still retains a previously inserted IUD;
has a suspected malignancy or abnormality of the genital tract
had postpartum or post-abortion infection in the past three months;
has Wilson's disease or a known allergy to copper;
has genital actinomycosis.
has a sexually transmitted disease (STD) including a lower genital tract infection, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia;
is at a high risk for STDs because she or her partner has multiple sexual partners;
has acute pelvic inflammatory disease or a history of pelvic inflammatory disease;
has conditions associated with increased susceptibility to infections with microorganisms. Such conditions include, but are not limited to, leukemia, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and intravenous drug abuse.

If a woman cannot predict whether she or her partner will be in a monogamous relationship, she should adopt another contraceptive. A woman at risk for a sexually transmitted disease may also be at risk for transmission of the HIV virus; she should have her partner use a condom, since an IUD does not protect against AIDS.

Side Effects and Complications

Most women have some bleeding following insertion of an IUD, and menstrual cramps may worsen. Cramping is more severe in the first few months after insertion and usually diminishes over time. Menstrual bleeding may be heavier and longer than usual, and bleeding between menstrual periods can occur during the first two or three months after insertion. These side effects decrease over time. Copper IUD use may also induce iron deficiency in some women; this condition may be treated with iron supplements.

Delayed menstruation and Home Remedies

Delayed menstruation

Are you worried about your delayed menses? Find out the reasons of delayed menstruation apart from pregnancy and live a healthy life.

Nandini got her first menses when she was thirteen year old. She had some idea about menstruation cycle. She was finding it difficult to digest the fact that she got it now. According to her she was too young to get it. After completion of her first menstruation she was relieved but scared to face the next menstruation. It was difficult for her to change the mindset that she will get menses in seventh or eight standards as told by her friends.

Her second menstruation was delayed by two months. Going to school during menses was a difficult situation for her. She noticed that her menstruation cycle was not regular. Each time it was delayed by more than fifteen days. When she was in junior college she was shocked as she did not get her menses for two months. But the cycle was restored without any medication. It was regular for the next five years. When she turned twenty she had to face the delayed menstruation again.

Nandini did not want to take medicines for correcting her menses. She preferred waiting to get menses naturally. Was she correct on her part? Now she was sure that every woman has to face such delay in menstruation some time or the other. But she was aware that one reason was pregnancy. However she was trying to find the other reasons as she was not involved in any sexual activity. Read on to know more about delayed menstruation and reasons for it other than pregnancy.

What is delayed menstruation?

It is caused because of the changes that keep taking place in our body. When menstruation delay is too long it is necessary to consult a doctor. The menstruation cycle delayed for 2 - 3 days is normal for most of the women. However lots of women prefer waiting for occurrence of menstrual cycle naturally.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

There are several reasons for delay in menstruation cycle. Have a quick look at some of the common causes.


Hormonal imbalance

Imbalanced diet

Weight loss

Thyroid diseases



Ovulation deficiency

Polycystic ovarian diseases

Coping with delayed menstruation

Avoiding delayed menstruation depends totally on the condition of your body. Your body takes time to adjust to the changes so it causes delay in menstruation. You should try to understand the needs of your body first. The most important thing is that you should have a balanced diet.

Delayed menstruation can also be caused when you make certain changes in your daily routine. This can involve heavy exercise or adopting a diet plan. You should give some time to your body to adapt to these changes instead of going for medication in the initial stage. All you need is patience.

If your menstruation cycle is delayed for three months you should consult your physician. It is more advisable that you treat your delayed menstruation period through Ayurvedic remedies. Avoid taking medicines without doctor's prescription for preventing complications. Staying healthy and fit is the best remedy for avoiding all the menstruation problems.

Home Remedies for Delayed Menstruation

Delayed menstruation is a problem faced by a lot of women. These irregular periods may create hormonal imbalance in the body of women. It may even become the root cause for dangerous disease. In the biological terms, delayed menstruation is termed as Amenorrhea.

Delayed menstruation has been a chronic problem for many females. One often gets a twinge in the breast and experience the heaviness in the lower abdomen due to the delay. They might also feel lethargic and suffer with nausea. However, there are various reasons for the delayed menstruation. It differs from individual to individual. Initially there were not many medications available like today. But still people rely and like to use home remedies to cope with this problem.

Home remedies in combination with the medicines have a greater impact on solving the problem of delayed menstruation. However, if you prefer to take medicines in addition to home remedies, you should consult your doctor. Using home remedies may even help the person to restore the regularity in menstruation cycle. People who are really annoyed with the problem of delayed and irregular periods, here are some natural tips which you can keep in mind.

Home Remedies or Alternative cure

Collect roots of banyan tree, extract and boil them with the help of decoction. Mix it with cow's milk and have this before bedtime for stimulating menstrual cycles in your body.

Grapes are also very effective. Drinking of grape juice on daily basis helps you in regularizing of the menstruation cycle. Eating grapes in the raw form will also help. However, overeating grapes may have other side-effects like lose motions too.

Parsley is another effective herb. It is one of the most efficient home remedies which can prevent menstruation disorders. Parsley juice can be consumed everyday in form of a medicine to get regular periods.

Take some radish seeds and grind them with water. Make a paste and mix it with buttermilk. After mixing the paste with buttermilk, drink it on a regular basis. You can have it once in a day to get positive results.

One can also take a decoction of bitter gourd (karela) roots and have it one or two times in a day. This might help in commencing the periods.

In order to avoid the menstrual irregularities, saunf (fennel) seeds are also proved to be very helpful.

A decoction which is being prepared from coriander (cilantro) leaves or seeds is also very helpful in getting your periods. But make sure that you have it thrice in a day.

Take some fig (anjeer) roots and boil them. Now filter the decoction and have it for a few weeks to normalize the cycle.

The most common way to regularize your irregular cycle of menstruation can be done by having Papaya. You can either have it in the raw form or in unripe form.

In order to stimulate your menstruation cycle you can also have carrots.

Aloe Vera pulp or juice can also help in getting regular cycles of periods. Having it on regular basis will get you positive results.

Drinking sugarcane juice before a week or before two weeks of your menstruation cycle will also help you in getting your periods early. This is very common and most frequently used method by everyone.
These are only a few home remedies which will help you to improve your menstruation cycle. If you are allergic to any of the above mentioned remedies, avoid them. Delay of menstruation cycle is not good for health as it may lead to some harmful and dangerous diseases or problems. Home remedies are reliable and are the best alternative cures for overcoming delayed menstruation.

Sunday 3 November 2013


Simple exercises to shape and firm your bust line.

If you're looking for an exercise that increases your breasts you might as well stop right now, since you're not going to find it. There is simply NO WAY you can increase your bust size by just exercise.

Your breasts are pure fat and no muscle, so the only non-surgical way to increase their size is to increase your fat intake... and we know how disastrous that could be! Instead, target your pectoral (chest) muscles to shape and firm your bust line. This would give the illusion of bigger breasts.

The bench press

The best exercise for shaping and firming your bust line is the bench press, which not only targets your bust line and flatters your figure, but also sculpts your shoulders and tightens your triceps (the backs of your upper arms).

You will need:
A pair of dumbbells
A bench (If you plan to purchase one, all you need is the simple, straight wooden board variety. A less expensive option is an aerobic step bench. You could use a piano bench, picnic table bench, or even a coffee table as long as it has sturdy legs and doesn't have a glass top just add some padding to cushion your back.)

How to do it?

1.Lie flat on a bench, with your feet on the floor, one foot on each side of the bench, straddling it.
2.Make sure that your head, shoulders, back and butt are firmly positioned on the bench.
3. Roll your shoulders back and down so the shoulder blades are firmly pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking up. This should result in the spine being slightly arched.
4. Keep the dumbbells about 18 inches apart and parallel to the floor with your palms facing upwards. The more narrow the grip, the more you involve your triceps. The wider the grip the more the outer area of the chest is worked.
5. Slowly push the dumbbells straight up, away from your chest.
6. Fully extend your arms so that the dumbbells are directly above your chest. Pause slightly at the top of the movement then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
7. Inhale and hold your breath as you lower the dumbbells. When they reach the chest, begin to move the weight upward again.
8. Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance.

What you should know�

1. 8 to 12 lifts are considered a set. Do about 1 to 3 sets at a session.
2. Do about 3 sessions per week, and let there be one day of rest between sessions.
3. Don't forget to breathe.
4. Each round should take approximately 7 seconds. (3 seconds to lift, pause for a second and 3 seconds to lower).
5. To keep the shoulders from doing too much work, don't allow them to come off the bench. They should remain flat on the bench throughout the exercise.


1. Raise the dumbbells back over your head or forward over your belly.
2. Arch your back.
3. Raise the dumbbells out to the sides of your body.
4. Lock your elbows when arms are fully extended.
5. Rest the dumbbells on your chest.
6. Move quickly, especially when lowering.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Wondering how to maintain your curly hair curls and healthy locks?

Luscious curled locks are the envy of women all over. Curly and wavy hair come in different styles and textures ranging from cherub ringlets to corkscrew curls to voluminous waves. Naturally curly hair is a beauty to behold but may also be a challenge to maintain. They say beauty is pain, but not necessarily so – here are some tips to make caring for your curly tresses a piece of cake.

Use perfect products!

Accepting your curly hair will allow you to work with it and make it more beautiful than ever. Part of this process is finding hair care products that work for you. A lot of shampoos and conditioners are made specifically for curly hair and will help keep the texture and shape of your curly hair while giving it the boost of hydration and health that it needs. Here is a list of some shampoo and conditioner duos that may benefit your curly-whirly hair:

Aveda’s Be Curly Shampoo and Be Curly Conditioner is a pair that promises to gently cleanse curly hair while enhancing the curls by as much as 57%. These products also claim to eliminate frizz while giving hair shine and strength. Both are enhanced with wheat protein and organic aloe, which will condition and strengthen your curled tresses. Aveda’s Be Curly Shampoo and Be Curly Conditioner are scented with a refreshing citrus aroma with notes of lime, bergamot, lemon, orange, and other plant and flower extracts.

Redken’s Fresh Curls Shampoo and Fresh Curls Conditioner are packed with goodness for your curly hair. These products are enhanced with natural ingredients such as calcium and protein, which give your hair strength and resilience, while coconut oil and honey moisturize and add shine. This product also promises to reduce frizz and to give soft, manageable, and healthy curls. Sounds like a dream come true!

Condition yourself to condition!

Curly hair has a tendency to become dry. Following these tips and natural treatments can make your hair free from dry and frizzies.

In fact, a lot of curly-haired girls have found that a higher ratio of conditioning to shampooing is more beneficial for their curls. Some choose to shampoo on certain days of the week while conditioning daily while others have eschewed shampoo altogether and are using a conditioner-only hair care routine. Whatever you choose to do, it’s true that curly hair needs a lot of moisture, as it is drier than straight hair. Make it a habit to condition your hair as often as possible, if not daily!

Leave-in conditioners are great for curly-haired girls because these products work all day to enhance curl shape, restore moisture to the hair, and reduce frizzies. Beautiful Curls’ Leave-In Conditioner for Wavy to Curly Hair is a lightweight formula that is fortified with shea butter and coconut oil, both of which work in tandem to condition hair inside and out. Simply smooth a generous amount onto wet hair and you’re good to go!

Treat your hair right!

Taking care of curly hair is trickier than simply managing straight hair, but with enough knowledge and patience, your curly hair will be your crowning glory! Here are a few tips on how to take care of your curly hair on a day-to-day basis:

If you have tightly curled hair, combing your hair is a no-no, as this will break the curls and make your hair poof up. If you need to untangle a few sections, just use your fingers. If you have wavy hair, brushing your hair out is still okay, as long as you opt for a wide-toothed comb, which causes less breakage and frizziness.

Don’t rub your hair back and forth with your towel when you’re drying it out. This will cause your already brittle curly hair to break while also increasing static, which in turn will cause frizz. Simply blot out your hair, comb out with your fingers if you need to, and if you’re in a hurry, use a blow drier that’s set to a low or a medium heat and air with a diffuser attached. Air drying is still the best option.

Use leave-in products when your hair is still wet, as this will lock in moisture and help you achieve thick, lovely curls. After application, you can briefly scrunch up your hair in a towel or with paper towels to give a more natural look when your hair is dry.

You can also take care of your hair when it’s bed time. Cover your hair with a cap or slip on a silk pillow as these pillows are smooth and can able to reduce static.

Natural Care for Naturally Curly hair

To add shine into your curls and healthy locks, you can apply mayonnaise on your hair. Simply apply some mayonnaise and take a wide tooth comb. Now, comb the mayonnaise through your hair and wrap your head with a plastic cap. The heat of your head will help mayonnaise to melt and work the right way. Finally wash your hair with a shampoo designed for your hair type. Once a week is the right option to have this extra pampering treatment.

Green tea treatment helps to stimulate the healthy growth of your hair. For those who have problems like hair thinning and hair loss, this is the right choice for them to produce long, thick and luxurious hair. Take 2 tbs fresh green teat(strong), 1 tbs mustard powder, and 1 egg yolk, now mix them very well. Pour the mixer on your hair and wrap your head with a cap.

You may feel some extra warm on your head, as mustard powder stimulates the blood circulation. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse off your hair first, then wash your hair with a shampoo and conditioner as well. For normal people once a week is perfect and for having hair thinning and hair falling issue, 3-4 times a week is the best option to choose.