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Showing posts with label The Contraceptive Sponge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Contraceptive Sponge. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Tips to clear acne scars

41. Apply coconut water on acne-scar to lighten them. Coconut water is very beneficial for lessening even chicken pox scars if use in initial stage. It is the most popular grandma recipe for reducing acne scars.

42. Anti-oxidants present in vitamin E oil helps heal pimples fast. Mix aloe vera juice with vitamin E oil to apply on pimple marks to lighten them.

43. Bend over a hot pot to take steam to remove the deep seated grime and dust inside your skin
pores. This process minimises the oiliness of skin to prevent pimples from breaking out.

44. Mix lavender oil in water in 1/10 ratio. Lavender oil has anti fungal qualities that aid in healing acne, eczema, patches very effectively.   All teens must follow this herbal remedy at least once a week for preventing and curing pimples.

45. Mix 2 spoons of lemon juice with one spoon of fine cinnamon powder and apply on  the persistent acne and it marks. Cinnamon's anti-inflammatory properties help remove pimple and lighten its marks gradually on continuous usage of this beauty treatment.

46. 2 spoons of multani mitti with 2 spoons of almond oil, raw turmeric paste and lemon juice face mask helps to cure pimples very effectively. This beauty tip makes pimple marks light and less visible on regular usage.

47. Lemon juice and rose water mix is an ideal cure for preventing pimple break out. This skin toner is best suited to oily and acne-prone skin.

48. Cook 2-3 teas bags and mix them with dried basil leaves and smear this mix on your face.

49. Mix red sandalwood(raktchandan) and turmeric with milk and then smear this anti-bacterial and skin-whitening mask on face to treat acne and its scars too.

50. Mix one spoon  of  besan(gram flour) and half spoon of dried neem leaves and raw milk and leave this resultant paste it on your face for one hour. Ideal face pack for banishing acne and keeping your skin oil-free.

Home remedies to get rid of Acne

31. Groundnut oil and lemon juice combined in equal measure helps to remove pimples and redness.

32. Mix raw milk with besan(gram flour) and neem oil and use this homemade facial mask daily as a facial cleanser to get a clear, spotless and flawless skin.

33.  Application of egg white helps to dry up acne and lighten acne scars naturally.

34. Boil 50 gm of raspberry in strawberry of blueberry leaves in 1.5 litre of water and strain this mixture to rinse your face. Good beauty tip for pimples with an irritation and itching sensation.

35. Crush pain killer tablet aspirin in water and wash your face with this solution.

36. Dab calamine lotion on face to fight pimple and its stubborn marks.

37.Mix neem leaves with fuller's earth and apply on your face and neck.

38. Crush marigold flower with castor oil and and dab on your pimple to bring its zit to the top. Then suppress this pimple with basil and sandalwood paste to prevent it from erupting.

39. Mix hydrogen peroxide in your regular neem leaves face pack to banish pimple and zit quickly.

40. Tea tree oil mixed with apple cider vinegar works well to reduce the acne and oiliness of skin.

Acne- NOO

11. Grind sun-dried orange peels and mix this with curd and apply on your face to treat acne and its ugly scars. This acne-treatment recipe is very good for lightening your complexion also.

12. Mix 2 spoons of fuller's earth with half spoon of clove powder, a pinch of camphor and rose water together and smear this paste on face to heal pimple fast. Use this herbal remedy daily to see visible results. Good for oily skin.

13.Grind honey with 2-3 garlic bulbs and apply on the affected area to dry up pimple fast.

14. Grind nutmeg with milk and keep this preparation on face 60 minutes. Use this recipe daily to cure pimples and pimple marks. Good for inflamed and itching pimples.

15. Grind mint leaves to fine paste and apply this preparation on your face for 2 hours. For best results, keep this on your face overnight. This ayurvedic kitchen remedy helps a great measure to dry up and heal pimple overnight.

16. Grind basil leaves and mint leaves together and use this preparation on your face for lessening acne and acne scars.

17. Boil basil leaves and mint leaves and use this water as skin toner to dry up acne and pimples.

18. Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and use this to fade away acne and pimple marks. A nice skin -lightening face pack for oily skin!

19. Make a preparation with 2 spoons of oatmeal powder, 3 spoons of olive oil and 2 spoons of  lemon juice and dab on your pimple and its marks to reduce it.

20. You can take hot epsom bath bath to keep pimples away.

Sunday 26 January 2014



When we are asked this question, most of us are temp
ted to answer 'Yes!' although we know that people who have millions of dollars are not necessarily happier than us. Few of us have not wondered how life would be if we were 'crorepatis'. We'd live in a bigger house, have a nicer car, and we'd be happy.

Then. What about now John Lennon once said 'Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.' You're running around trying to earn more money, waiting for that deal to get made, that contract to come through and before you know it, you've lived your life without enjoying or appreciating it.

Money can help you afford nicer things, but it cannot make you happier. True, abject poverty can be depressing. You would be hard pressed to find happiness if you are struggling to make ends meet, don't have enough money for food or shelter, cannot keep warm during the winter or cool during the summer. But if you are earning enough, have a comfortable lifestyle, have a family that loves you, are healthy and intelligent, count yourself lucky.

Want proof Think back to a time when you got something you wanted. Perhaps it was admission to a good college or a great job. You were on a high when you got that appointment letter, and that high lasted for weeks, maybe months. Then you started coming back to earth, and a couple of years later you are once again sitting with the rest of the office gang grumbling about the bad work conditions, your boss and nasty co-workers.

It's the same with money. A sudden windfall will give you a high, but once your feet find the ground, you're back to square one. If you get rich by commuting long hours to your office, working late into the night and neglect your friends and partner, you will find that you are not that happy as a person who may make less money than you do, but who spends time with his family, goes for more vacations with them and doesn't mind kicking up his legs and taking life easy every now and then.

Happiness is all a question of attitude. Study has shown that married people tend to be happier than single ones, though the singles seem to be out having all the fun. Fun is short-lived, while the security of a happy marriage is very fulfilling. This does not apply if you are unhappily married though. Singles are far happier than those trapped in unhappy marriages.

Surprisingly, studies have shown that couples with children are no happier than couples that choose not to have children.

So how happy are you really While we are always told to count are blessings, we don't really do so, and even if we do, we don't put any value or price on our blessings. Here's how you can calculate how rich you really are, in terms of happiness.

Start with your basic annual salary and then add your earnings as shown below:

Being female, 10k - Yes, studies have shown that women on the whole tend to be happier than men, perhaps because they have less of a desire to excel monetarily.

Aged 49 to 70 years, 10k - Older people tend to be more content than youngsters.

Happily married, 70k

Remarried after a divorce, 50k - Add this to the 70k

Work part-time, 30k - You have more time for yourself and for things that really matter.

Love your job, 30k - You spend 2/3rds of your day, and your life, at your job. If you love it, you will be happier than if you dislike it and are working only for the money.

Small commute, 10k

And now, deduct the following from your salary
Commute of an hour or more by car - 30k, by train - 70k
Serious illness - 200k
Recently lost loved one - 170k
Unhappily married - 150k

So remember, real joy is a choice. You can choose to be happy, even without that huge bank balance.



We got off the Titanic first.
We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.
We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls, and are nice to us when we blow up our computers.
Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours.
We never ejaculate prematurely.
We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.
We can cry and get off speeding fines.
We've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.
Taxis stop for us.
We live longer, so we can be cantankerous old biddies wearing inappropriate clothes and shouting at strangers......
Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.
Free drinks, free dinners.
We absently hum tunes from musicals without anyone being suspect of our sexuality.
We can hug our friends without wondering if they're gay.
We can hug our friends without wondering if WE'RE gay.
New lipstick gives us a whole new lease on life.
If we're not making enough money we can blame the glass ceiling.
It's possible to live our whole lives without ever taking a group shower.
No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival The Speedo.
We don't have to fart to amuse ourselves.
If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her butt.
If we have a zit, we know how to conceal it.
We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.
If we're dumb, some people will find it cute.
We have the ability to dress ourselves.
We can talk to people of the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.
If we marry someone 20 years younger, we're well aware that we look like an idiot.
There are times when chocolate really can solve all our problems.
We know which glass was ours by the lipstick mark.
We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.
We'll never discover we've been duped by a Wonderbra.
We'll never regret piercing our ears.


Age 3: Looks at herself and sees a queen!
Age 8: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty.
Age 15: Looks at herself and sees herself as Fat/Pimples/UGLY (Mom, I can't go to school looking like this!)
Age 20: Looks at herself and sees too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly-- but decides she's going anyway.
Age 30: Looks at herself and sees too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly -- but decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she's going anyway.
Age 40: Looks at herself and sees too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly -- but says, At least I am clean, and goes anyway.
Age 50: Looks at herself and sees I am and goes wherever she wants to go.
Age 60: Looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore. She goes out and conquers the world.
Age 70: Looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out and enjoys life.
Age 80: Doesn't bother to look. Just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world.
Maybe we should all grab that purple hat earlier!

Every Woman Should Have...

Enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to.
The realization that she is actually going to have an old age and some money set aside to fund it.
A skin care regime, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don't get better after age 30.
Eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored.
One friend who always makes her laugh and one who lets her cry.
Something perfect to wear if the man of her dreams wants to see her in an hour.
A purse and a suitcase that she's not ashamed to be seen carrying.
A youth she's content to move beyond.
A past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age.
A good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family.
A resume that is not even the slightest bit padded.
A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better.
A feeling of control over her destiny.
A set of screwdrivers, a drill and a black lace bra.


And finally, here are some great quotes by success, funny and wonderful women with attitude and a zest for life.

'In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman.' - Margaret Thatcher

'I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.'- Gloria Steinem

'Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.' - Gloria Steinem

'You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy.'- Erica Jong

'I want to have children, but my friends scare me. One of my friends told me she was in labor for 36 hours. I don't even want to do anything that feels good for 36 hours!' - Rita Rudner

'Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth.'- Erma Bombeck

'If high heels were so wonderful, men would still be wearing them.' - Sue Grafton

'I think, therefore I'm single.'- Lizz Winstead

'When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country.'- Elayne Boosler

'Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.'- Maryon Pearson

'Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.'- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday 10 November 2013

Diaphragm (A Female Contraceptive Device)

Diaphragm is a barrier method of contraception. It is highly effective if used along with a Spermicide. A health care practitioner is consulted to determine the size of Diaphragm that fits a woman. Diaphragm is a preferred choice of contraception as it is an easy barrier method of contraception for women. Read on to know more about the advantages and side effects of Diaphragm.

The Diaphragm is a soft rubber device that has a flexible spring attached to its outside edge. The Diaphragm is a shallow rubber disk that is dome-shaped. And its flexible ring is inserted in a way that it perfectly fits inside the vagina.

How Does Diaphragm Work?

Diaphragms are highly effective when used conjointly with Spermicides wither in the form of gels or cremes. The gel or creme acts as an indispensable contraceptive agent and stays close to the cervical area of the woman. As a result, the sperm is effectively prevented from entering the uterus. Chances of pregnancy thus get alleviated.

The Diaphragm is said to be highly effective with a score of a high 94%. But it is extremely important to ensure that the spermicidal gel or creme is used properly as otherwise, the effectiveness can fall drastically.

A Diaphragm can be effective even when continually used for two to three years. But before each usage it is very necessary to observe and check minutely for the presence of tiny rips or holes on the surface. This can be easily ascertained if the Diaphragm is stretched and held up against a source of light.

The proper size of the Diaphragm can be determined only by a physician. The woman needs to visit a health care practitioner in order to find which size exactly fits her body.

The Diaphragm must be inserted before sex and should be removed within 6-8 hours after intercourse takes place. Spermicide must be applied every two hours or before each intercourse.

The Diaphragm does not interfere with the sexual actions and can hold its place during urination and bowel movements. The woman can also go under the shower while wearing Diaphragm.

Size of Diaphragm

In order to ensure its high effectiveness, the size of the Diaphragm needs to be regularly checked.

Especially under the following conditions:

The woman has just begun an active sex life
Experiences fluctuating body weight. The situation must be carefully monitored if there is a recent weight gain or twenty pounds or more.
If the woman has become pregnant recently
If any variant of pelvic surgery is carried out on the woman.

Advantages of Diaphragm

Following are the advantages of using Diaphragm for contraception.

Women and couples are found to prefer Diaphragms due to the fact that its presence is not felt by either partner during sexual intercourse.
Compared to the other barrier method contraceptive devices like the cervical cap, the Diaphragm is easier to insert and this makes women feel more comfortable in using it.

Side Effects of Diaphragm

Have a quick look at the side effects of Diaphragm.

TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome can happen in women if the Diaphragm is left for over a day after the sexual intercourse. This is a rare medical condition.
The woman is likely to experience bacterial infections in some cases.
Some women are allergic to rubber which is the base constituent of the Diaphragm and therefore experience irritation or allergy due to it.
The Spermicide can also cause mild to serious irritation or allergies in some women.
It is important to note that the Diaphragm merely is a contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and does not offer any protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections. The most common diseases and infections like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes or HIV are not prevented with a Diaphragm. It is therefore advisable to use the Diaphragm along with the male condom to experience safe sex for both the partners.

The Contraceptive Sponge (Female Contraceptive)

The Contraceptive Sponge (Female Contraceptive)

Contraceptive options help in preventing unplanned pregnancies and thereby reduce the tensions. There are many female contraceptive options available today and contraceptive sponge is one of them. It has become popular due to its simple and easy usage. Various other factors also make contraceptive sponge a preferred choice by the women. This does not interfere with the hormones so contraceptive sponge is the contraception for the new age women.

The female contraceptive sponge has evolved to be highly popular as a female contraceptive option due to its simple and extremely uncomplicated usage and easy availability and affordability. There have been doubts in certain quarters regarding its effectiveness but like all other contraceptive options, the effectiveness of this one too depends wholly on its correct usage and several other factors. The other associated factors are like whether the woman has already delivered a child or not.

How is it Contraceptive Sponge Used?

The sponge needs to be first moistened with clean hygienic water. It needs to be made foamy before insertion.
While inserting it into the vagina, the woman needs to position it in a manner that gets fixed right over the cervix.
The sponge can be kept inside the vagina from 12 to 24 hours
During this period the woman receives continuous protection from unwanted pregnancy regardless of the number of time intercourse happens.
The most vital point to note here is that the sponge must be allowed to stay in place for at least six hours after intercourse takes place.

Possible Side Effects of Contraceptive Sponge

Side effects with the use of contraceptive sponge are very low. The reason is attributed to the absence of any hormonal medicines in it. Hormonal medicines can cause natural side effects in most women. However, it is better to note that there are a few side effects that have been observed in some women:

While using it that is, during the insertion it is possible that the sponge can wear or tear a bit. This reduces the effectiveness of the sponge and might cause accidental pregnancies.
Some women using the sponge regularly also reported yeast infections in their cervical and vaginal area.
Spermicides are often found to cause allergies. So irritations and allergic reactions can also occur.
The Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rare complication that can happen with several other barrier contraceptive methods as well.
This is why it is important to ensure that the sponge is removed within a maximum of six hours after insertion.
Women having a prior history of TSS should avoid the use of sponge.

Advantages of Contraceptive Sponge

The sponge has been found to be the most appropriate contraceptive method for women with any of the following conditions:

Those who prefer a disposable contraceptive compared to any permanent or semi-permanent method.
Those who like to opt for alternatives that do not require medical prescriptions. The sponge is available over-the-counter at all medical stores.

Those who are regular smokers. They are likely to experience discomfort and complications using other contraceptive options that work on or with hormones.

Women above the age of 35 are advised not to go for hormonal methods of birth control. They are likely to feel more comfortable with the sponge.

Hormonal methods are likely to come with several possible side effects. Women who do not want to experience the risks and the side effects can safely opt for the sponge.

To stay safe from accidental pregnancy, women who prefer back up methods to a condom or the pill.
Women, who can be sexually spontaneous and prefer to avoid the messy gels, oils and cremes.
Finally, women who find it difficult to fit in the diaphragm.

This is how women can benefit from the usage of sponge for the contraception purpose and can avoid unwanted pregnancies.