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Showing posts with label Tips for Men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips for Men. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Tips to clear acne scars

41. Apply coconut water on acne-scar to lighten them. Coconut water is very beneficial for lessening even chicken pox scars if use in initial stage. It is the most popular grandma recipe for reducing acne scars.

42. Anti-oxidants present in vitamin E oil helps heal pimples fast. Mix aloe vera juice with vitamin E oil to apply on pimple marks to lighten them.

43. Bend over a hot pot to take steam to remove the deep seated grime and dust inside your skin
pores. This process minimises the oiliness of skin to prevent pimples from breaking out.

44. Mix lavender oil in water in 1/10 ratio. Lavender oil has anti fungal qualities that aid in healing acne, eczema, patches very effectively.   All teens must follow this herbal remedy at least once a week for preventing and curing pimples.

45. Mix 2 spoons of lemon juice with one spoon of fine cinnamon powder and apply on  the persistent acne and it marks. Cinnamon's anti-inflammatory properties help remove pimple and lighten its marks gradually on continuous usage of this beauty treatment.

46. 2 spoons of multani mitti with 2 spoons of almond oil, raw turmeric paste and lemon juice face mask helps to cure pimples very effectively. This beauty tip makes pimple marks light and less visible on regular usage.

47. Lemon juice and rose water mix is an ideal cure for preventing pimple break out. This skin toner is best suited to oily and acne-prone skin.

48. Cook 2-3 teas bags and mix them with dried basil leaves and smear this mix on your face.

49. Mix red sandalwood(raktchandan) and turmeric with milk and then smear this anti-bacterial and skin-whitening mask on face to treat acne and its scars too.

50. Mix one spoon  of  besan(gram flour) and half spoon of dried neem leaves and raw milk and leave this resultant paste it on your face for one hour. Ideal face pack for banishing acne and keeping your skin oil-free.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Stretch Marks Home made Salve

Oh stretch marks…

I got them with my first, and have since gotten rid of them, even through four more pregnancies (and I haven’t gotten any new ones).

I think it is largely due to the healthier diet and lifestyle I’ve adopted during that time, but today I’m also sharing my salve that I make to help keep belly skin smooth during pregnancy. I call it Tiger Salve since I’ve often heard stretch marks referred to as “Tiger Stripes.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my stretch marks and wouldn’t trade a second of motherhood for perfect abs, but I also prefer to avoid getting any more stripes! I do think that diet is a crucial part of pregnancy health though, so this alone won’t keep stretch marks away for everyone…

This salve is designed to keep skin supple so that it can accomodate a growing belly, but also to sooth any skin irritation that accompanies pregnancy. It’s also super simple to make, so I can even manage to remember the recipe when I have placenta brain…

Prep time
30 mins
Cook time
10 mins
Total time
40 mins

This easy salve is soothing and nourishing to skin as it adjusts to your growing belly!
Author: Wellness Mama
Recipe type: Beauty/Skin
¼ cup Shea Butter
¼ cup Coconut Oil
3 Tablespoons Apricot Kernel or Almond Oil (can also use Olive oil)
1 Tablespoon Calendula Flowers (optional)
¼ tsp dried Ginger Root (optional)
If using the calendula and dried ginger, add to Apricot Kernel or Almond Oil and place in a double boiler or bowl over a small pan of water. (or use a glass jar for easier clean up)
Bring to a simmer and heat for 30 minutes on medium low heat to incorporate the properties of the herbs.
Strain through a cheesecloth or metal strainer to remove herbs. YOu will want to make sure you still have at least 2 tablespoons of liquid oil left.
Return the oil to the double boiler and add the shea butter and coconut oil.
Heat until melted and stir to incorporate.
Remove from heat and store in small glass jar.
Add any pregnancy safe essential oils if desired.
Use as needed on skin before, during or after pregnancy as needed.



Stretch marks are the result of sudden body changes such as puberty, pregnancy or weight gain or loss where the skin stretches out to accommodate the body changes. The best way to combat stretch marks is to prevent their formation.

Stretch marks, also known as Striae Gravidarum are scars that develop mainly around the arms, breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. They are pink, purple or red when newly formed and turn silver or white over time. Stretch marks develop in the dermis i.e. the middle layer of the skin.

Rapid or sudden weight gain is said to be the main cause of formation of stretch marks. Therefore, stretch marks are primarily the bane of pregnant women. 75 to 90% women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The main cause of stretch marks is excessive production of the hormone, cortisone, during pregnancy. Collagen, a protein, helps keep the skin supple. Cortisone decreases the level of collagen present in the skin leading to development of stretch marks. A woman's stomach stretches greatly to accommodate her growing baby. Her breasts grow as well, thus leading women to develop stretch marks on these areas.

Stretch marks are also characteristic in the case of pubescent girls who begin to develop breasts and pubescent boys who begin to develop muscles. Stretch marks can also occur when people begin to lose weight or workout to tone their body. Stretch Marks are hereditary as well. So, if anyone in your family has stretch marks, you are bound to get them too.

The best way to combat stretch marks is to prevent their formation.

Body Lotion

Stretch marks generally appear on areas where skin is dry. Apply body lotion all over, not just on your arms. If you are pregnant, do not forget your tummy and breasts - they need lotion the most. Do not wait until you are pregnant or until you start planning a baby before applying lotion. Start today. Do this every morning, after a shower. Your pores are still open, they are clean, and will be able to absorb the moisturiser well.

Malai or Milk Fat

You could also try something more natural, and apply 'malai' (milk fat) to your body every day. You could do this after applying soap. Smita has been applying malai and haldi instead of soap for years now. And when she delivered, she did not have a single stretch mark! She is now 48-years-old, and her skin glows to this day. For those of us who cannot conceive of taking a shower without soap, using a moisturising soap is a good idea. (If you have very oily skin and pimples on your back, skip applying moisturiser on your back, and when taking a shower, make sure you scrub your back well with a loofah.)

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also believed to help prevent stretch marks. Invest in a cream which has Vitamin E, or apply pure Vitamin E oil to your stomach and breasts every day. You could do this from the time you find out you are pregnant.

Massage and Skin Exfoliation

Regularly exfoliate your skin either with a dry brush, pumice stone or exfoliating body wash in order to improve blood circulation and keep your skin healthy. This will not only reduce appearance of existing stretch marks but also act as a deterrent in formation of new stretch marks. Regular oil body massages help keep your skin nourished and supple. Coconut oil is a good bet as it gets absorbed fairly easily. Start with body oil massages before pregnancy, and speak to your doctor about continuing them during pregnancy. You could gently massage your tummy with oil yourself.

Diet and Water Intake

Water hydrates the skin from within by helping the skin cells stay plump, moisturised and healthy, and if you have been drinking enough water every day, chances are that you have well nourished, supple skin, which will be able to bear the impact of sudden body changes without developing marks. If you have a poor diet, your skin is more likely to be unhealthy. Diets deficient in antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin A or Omega 3s can lead to your skin lacking elasticity which will cause development of stretch marks.

Weight Gain

It is easy to gain weight during pregnancy since pregnant women feel hungry all the time and are often tempted and encouraged to indulge. In addition, indulgence during pregnancy tends to be guilt-free, so women tend to give in to their cravings. Whatever the reason, if you do gain more weight than you should, you are certain to develop stretch marks. The best thing for you to do is to weigh yourself regularly, and aim to gain weight in a systematic manner, as suggested by your gynaecologist.

However, since some factors that cause stretch marks are out of our hands, some stretch marks are bound to appear. If treated immediately upon formation, you can reduce and in some cases completely remove the appearance of stretch marks. You can treat stretch marks as soon as they appear by use of medicated remedies containing glycolic acid or retinoids. You can even try home remedies such as lemon juice, virgin coconut oil or malai if you wish to go the organic route. If stretch marks are not treated as soon as they appear, it becomes much more difficult to treat them without use of surgical options.

Sunday 10 November 2013

The Pill

What is the pill?

The Pill is one of the most effective forms of birth control. It contains two synthetic female hormones (estrogen and progesterone), which prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the monthly release of the egg from the ovaries. Oral contraceptives are almost 100% effective when taken correctly. The mini-pill contains only one hormone, progesterone, and has an efficacy rate of 97%.

Why the pill?

The Pill is probably the easiest birth control method to use. There are two pill-taking programs: the 21-day regimen and the 28-day regimen. With the 21-day regimen, you take one pill each day for three weeks and then for one week you do not take any pills. The cycle is then repeated. With the

28-day regimen, you take 21 pills first, then seven placebos which contain no active drug. Most women prefer the 28-day regimen because they find it easier to remember to take a pill every day of the year. So just pop it and forget it. What could be easier?

Are there any side effects?

As with most forms of medication, the pill is not without its share of :

Irregular bleeding the first few months
Spotting between periods
Increased appetite
Depression or moodiness
Headaches and/or dizziness
Nausea and vomiting
Scant or missed periods
Weight change
High blood pressure
Breast tenderness

These side effects, though annoying, will not damage your health. Further, they are usually temporary and disappear within three months. If they persist longer, consult your gynecologist.

What are the advantages of the Pill?

It is convenient to use.
Unlike a condom, the pill does not interrupt sex.
Periods are usually lighter and shorter.
Periods get regulated and occur every 28 days.
As it prevents ovulation, in addition to its contraceptive action it also   eliminates mid-cycle pain which some women experience with ovulation.
The pill does not decrease a woman's chances of getting pregnant once she's off the pill and wants to conceive.
Did you know that there are many health benefits to the pill? These benefits include a reduced incidence of benign ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis and most importantly, endometrial and ovarian cancer.

And disadvantages?

In addition to its side effects, the Pill has a few disadvantages:
They do not protect a woman from getting sexually transmitted diseases. If there is a danger of contracting an STD, always use a condom.
Some antibiotics can interfere with the way birth control pills work in your body, so if you are on any prescribed medication, inform your gynecologist.
You need to be extremely particular about not missing your pills. If you are the scatty-brain type, it's best to skip this method of birth control.
Though serious problems related to the use of birth control pills are very rare, the chances of developing blood clots, heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes or liver tumors are slightly greater in women who take birth control pills.

However, you should NOT take the pill if…

You suffer from a history of blood clots, heart related problems like angina or kidney failure.
You have a history of breast cancer or other estrogen-dependent cancers of the reproductive organs.
You are in the acute stages of hepatitis.
You are a heavy smoker above the age of 35.
You start getting migraines after getting on the pill.
You have high blood pressure or diabetes.
You are about to undergo some major surgery.
You are breast-feeding.
You are above the age of 50.

Saturday 12 October 2013


What do weight problems, skin conditions, allergies, fatigue, insomnia, arthritis, headaches, depression, yeast infections, constipation, and cancer have in common? These and dozens of other conditions may all be caused or worsened by poor digestion.

We have heard the phrase “You are what you eat.” This is true, but nutrition is not just what we eat, it is what the cells of the body actually receive–and the cells only receive what is broken down through the process of digestion. Therefore we may also say, “You are what you digest.”

Digestion is a topic that stretches far beyond the stomach. Poor digestion affects the intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, blood, and lymph and immune systems. Poor digestion also affects hormone balance and the functions of the brain.

When we consider the 30-foot tube–the intestine–that runs through the body, we can begin to understand why it should be a major consideration in any type of health issue; digestion is key to obtaining and maintaining overall health and well-being.

Learn at Home
Recognizing and answering the need for a better understanding of health and digestion, the alive Academy of Natural Health has created a distance education course to guide interested students through the gastrointestinal tract with steps to better digestion and, in turn, better health.

Digestion: Your Inner Path to True Health lessons are designed to inform all levels of students, from the general public and layperson to the health professional who wants a deeper understanding of digestion.

Lessons include quizzes and self-marked tests to enhance the learning process. Information covered includes an easy-to-understand explanation of the digestive process along with practical advice about what, how, and when to eat.

Additional topics include the many factors affecting digestion, common digestive disorders, and larger health links to digestion such as allergies, fatigue, hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Finally, the course provides 15 steps to better digestion and describes many natural digestive remedies.

By properly digesting nutritious foods, every cell in the body is fed exactly what it needs to be truly healthy. The digestive process really is your inner pathway to true health.

Facts to Chew On
Did you know that stress shuts down the digestive process? No matter how healthy your food choices are, if you eat while stressed, preoccupied, or in a hurry you will not digest well.

According to the Journal of Gastroenterology, chronic constipation is one of the most gastrointestinal complaints.

More than six million Canadians suffer with the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

The 25 All-Time Best Men's Health Tips

Here's a chronology of some of our best.

Save your back, lift more, run more: It all starts in your middle, man.

1990: Tilt up your rearview mirror . just far enough to force yourself into an upright sitting position to see behind you, which is good for your posture and your aching back. We've used this simple tip ever since that year, when we drove a Geo Metro (55 miles a gallon, baby!).

1991: Never eat out of the original container

How many times have you dipped into a pint of ice cream only to find yourself staring at the bottom of the container 15 minutes later?

1992: Accept the latexed finger

We called prostate cancer "the overlooked disease," and encouraged more testing and research. Have you been probed lately?

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes & Treatments
LDL cholesterol numbers.

At least not as a stand-alone stat. That's because it doesn't take your "good" HDL cholesterol, which may counteract the bad kind, into account. A better gauge of heart-disease risk: your ratio of total to HDL cholesterol, a notion confirmed by a 2001 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

1994: Make them wait for your best offer

Go to the bargaining table understanding what you're willing to concede. The longer you sit on your hands, the more they're likely to cough up.

1995: Don't check in for surgery in July

If you're scheduling elective surgery in a teaching hospital, shoot for late spring, when residents have more experience.

Your 4-Week Plan to Building Your Best Body Ever

1996: Tape a golf ball to the back of your PJs

It'll stop your snoring by forcing you to sleep on your side or front. Back sleepers often have blocked airways, and that leads to a host of troubles.

A cup of green tea.

Few beverages (with beer as the possible exception) have been celebrated in these pages quite as much as green tea, that antioxidant-rich elixir that may help prevent prostate cancer, lower your heart-disease risk, and find your missing slippers.

The Truth About Medical Marijuana

1998: Compliment her on what counts

"You're beautiful" isn't a compliment. If you want to impress a woman, praise what she's made, not what God's made. "Lovely dress." "Terrific memo." "Incredible insight." "Great joke!"

1999: Use a blow-up workout partner

We're not sure when we fell in love with our curvaceous assistant (the Swiss ball, that is), but the affair was consummated when we devoted a feature to pushups and presses performed with our inflatable friend tight against our bodies.

2000: Don't blow your nose when you have a cold

It can force mucus and germs back into nasal passages and prolong the cold. Use antihistamines. And please—wipe.

2001: The bicycle crunch is the greatest abs exercise ever

Imagine our thrill when biomechanics researchers at San Diego State University used electromyograph machines to measure muscle activity and figure out the best abs exercise. Fortunately, we've since discovered a whole slew of new abs moves the scientists didn't test.

2002: Use the stall nearest to the door

It has the fewest germs and the most toilet paper, because everyone walks past it.

2003: Everybody needs a best friend

Spending time with a pet is more effective at reducing stress than spending time with friends, girlfriends, or alcohol.

2004: Lose your gut, because belly fat kills

Visceral fat (the stuff that settles in your abdomen) lets toxins seep into your vital organs. Which is why round-bellied men die sooner than flat-bellies. So eat six small meals a day instead of three big ones—you'll stave off hunger and avoid overeating. The Abs Diet makes perfect sense.

10 Visual Signs You May Have a Health Problem

2005: Drink chocolate milk

We found a study that says it's a nearly perfect postworkout drink. You're welcome.

2006: Hard and fast is best

The quickest way to burn fat and build fitness is with the Tabata Protocol, which sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel but is a Japanese exercise technique that involves bursts of intense activity and short rests. It works with body-weight exercises, sprints, or exercise bikes. Less time, better body.

2007: Eat the bacon

Fat doesn't make you fat. Too many calories does. Fat is good. Just not too much.

2008: Earn the promotion

Forget your rivals: Do your job and do it well. Where are you looking? At the scoreboard? At the other guy? Or at the assignment in front of you? In any competitive endeavor, team or otherwise, success comes down to the man in the mirror and how he completes his assignment.

125 Best Foods for Men

2009: Strength before cardio

Japanese scientists found that guys who lift weights before their cardio session burn twice as much fat as those who just do cardio.

2010: Do unto others

It doesn't guarantee reciprocation, but you'll never lose. No one's going to scoff, "You delivered as promised? Congrats on being elected mayor of Chump City!"

2011: A close shave

If you have an oblong or oval face shape, trim your hairs closer on the underside of your chin, but leave a bit of length on your cheeks. Round face? Create length by leaving more hair on your chin and less on your cheeks.

2012: Run Softly

The louder your footfalls, the less efficiently you're running. Try running more quietly; you'll be unconsciously switching to a midfoot strike and a shorter, quicker stride.

2013: Leave her be

She says she needs space? Start investing more in your own identity, whether it's going out with the guys or hitting the gym. Giving her this breathing room not only allows her to spend her time how she pleases but also helps your connection in the long run.


Top 12 Good Health Tips for Men

1) Don't smoke. Smoking is estimated to kill 400,000 Americans every single year. That's the equivalent death toll of three jumbo jet crashes every single day! Choosing not to smoke is, without a doubt, the single most important health decision you can make.

2) Control your weight. This is not as easy a No. 2 choice for me as was No. 1. That's because the connection between obesity and actual illnesses or deaths is often more indirect than is the case with smoking. But I have come to accept the estimates of the Surgeon General's Office that obesity is responsible for approximately 350,000 deaths every year, and that if American men continue to stop smoking in large numbers, it may even replace smoking as the No. 1 cause of death for men.

3) Drink alcohol in moderation. This message can be taken in both positive and negative terms. Truly moderate drinking (one to two standard size drinks per day) does reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, the No. 1 cause of death in our country. However, excessive drinking is a major cause of both physical disease and social tragedy. Approximately 10 percent of people who start drinking socially will become alcoholics. The decision to drink even socially should not be taken lightly.

4) Exercise regularly. This health practice has enormous physical and emotional benefits. Besides reducing the risk for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis, regular exercise can be helpful in raising our general mood and reducing the risk for depression.

5) Have regular cholesterol and blood pressure tests. Both high cholesterol and high blood pressure can be described as "silent killers," since they can cause extensive damage to our heart and arteries without producing any telltale symptoms until it is often too late. Therefore, the only way to find out if you have a potential problem is to get tested.

6) Have regular colonoscopy and prostate serum antigen testing. I strongly believe in the value of both of these tests in detecting two common and potentially lethal diseases — colon and prostate cancer — when they are still curable. There are not many cancers that we can either prevent of detect early enough to make a difference, but these are two.