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Showing posts with label The 25. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The 25. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Acne- NOO

11. Grind sun-dried orange peels and mix this with curd and apply on your face to treat acne and its ugly scars. This acne-treatment recipe is very good for lightening your complexion also.

12. Mix 2 spoons of fuller's earth with half spoon of clove powder, a pinch of camphor and rose water together and smear this paste on face to heal pimple fast. Use this herbal remedy daily to see visible results. Good for oily skin.

13.Grind honey with 2-3 garlic bulbs and apply on the affected area to dry up pimple fast.

14. Grind nutmeg with milk and keep this preparation on face 60 minutes. Use this recipe daily to cure pimples and pimple marks. Good for inflamed and itching pimples.

15. Grind mint leaves to fine paste and apply this preparation on your face for 2 hours. For best results, keep this on your face overnight. This ayurvedic kitchen remedy helps a great measure to dry up and heal pimple overnight.

16. Grind basil leaves and mint leaves together and use this preparation on your face for lessening acne and acne scars.

17. Boil basil leaves and mint leaves and use this water as skin toner to dry up acne and pimples.

18. Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and use this to fade away acne and pimple marks. A nice skin -lightening face pack for oily skin!

19. Make a preparation with 2 spoons of oatmeal powder, 3 spoons of olive oil and 2 spoons of  lemon juice and dab on your pimple and its marks to reduce it.

20. You can take hot epsom bath bath to keep pimples away.

Sunday 26 January 2014



When we are asked this question, most of us are temp
ted to answer 'Yes!' although we know that people who have millions of dollars are not necessarily happier than us. Few of us have not wondered how life would be if we were 'crorepatis'. We'd live in a bigger house, have a nicer car, and we'd be happy.

Then. What about now John Lennon once said 'Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.' You're running around trying to earn more money, waiting for that deal to get made, that contract to come through and before you know it, you've lived your life without enjoying or appreciating it.

Money can help you afford nicer things, but it cannot make you happier. True, abject poverty can be depressing. You would be hard pressed to find happiness if you are struggling to make ends meet, don't have enough money for food or shelter, cannot keep warm during the winter or cool during the summer. But if you are earning enough, have a comfortable lifestyle, have a family that loves you, are healthy and intelligent, count yourself lucky.

Want proof Think back to a time when you got something you wanted. Perhaps it was admission to a good college or a great job. You were on a high when you got that appointment letter, and that high lasted for weeks, maybe months. Then you started coming back to earth, and a couple of years later you are once again sitting with the rest of the office gang grumbling about the bad work conditions, your boss and nasty co-workers.

It's the same with money. A sudden windfall will give you a high, but once your feet find the ground, you're back to square one. If you get rich by commuting long hours to your office, working late into the night and neglect your friends and partner, you will find that you are not that happy as a person who may make less money than you do, but who spends time with his family, goes for more vacations with them and doesn't mind kicking up his legs and taking life easy every now and then.

Happiness is all a question of attitude. Study has shown that married people tend to be happier than single ones, though the singles seem to be out having all the fun. Fun is short-lived, while the security of a happy marriage is very fulfilling. This does not apply if you are unhappily married though. Singles are far happier than those trapped in unhappy marriages.

Surprisingly, studies have shown that couples with children are no happier than couples that choose not to have children.

So how happy are you really While we are always told to count are blessings, we don't really do so, and even if we do, we don't put any value or price on our blessings. Here's how you can calculate how rich you really are, in terms of happiness.

Start with your basic annual salary and then add your earnings as shown below:

Being female, 10k - Yes, studies have shown that women on the whole tend to be happier than men, perhaps because they have less of a desire to excel monetarily.

Aged 49 to 70 years, 10k - Older people tend to be more content than youngsters.

Happily married, 70k

Remarried after a divorce, 50k - Add this to the 70k

Work part-time, 30k - You have more time for yourself and for things that really matter.

Love your job, 30k - You spend 2/3rds of your day, and your life, at your job. If you love it, you will be happier than if you dislike it and are working only for the money.

Small commute, 10k

And now, deduct the following from your salary
Commute of an hour or more by car - 30k, by train - 70k
Serious illness - 200k
Recently lost loved one - 170k
Unhappily married - 150k

So remember, real joy is a choice. You can choose to be happy, even without that huge bank balance.

Stretch Marks Home made Salve

Oh stretch marks…

I got them with my first, and have since gotten rid of them, even through four more pregnancies (and I haven’t gotten any new ones).

I think it is largely due to the healthier diet and lifestyle I’ve adopted during that time, but today I’m also sharing my salve that I make to help keep belly skin smooth during pregnancy. I call it Tiger Salve since I’ve often heard stretch marks referred to as “Tiger Stripes.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my stretch marks and wouldn’t trade a second of motherhood for perfect abs, but I also prefer to avoid getting any more stripes! I do think that diet is a crucial part of pregnancy health though, so this alone won’t keep stretch marks away for everyone…

This salve is designed to keep skin supple so that it can accomodate a growing belly, but also to sooth any skin irritation that accompanies pregnancy. It’s also super simple to make, so I can even manage to remember the recipe when I have placenta brain…

Prep time
30 mins
Cook time
10 mins
Total time
40 mins

This easy salve is soothing and nourishing to skin as it adjusts to your growing belly!
Author: Wellness Mama
Recipe type: Beauty/Skin
¼ cup Shea Butter
¼ cup Coconut Oil
3 Tablespoons Apricot Kernel or Almond Oil (can also use Olive oil)
1 Tablespoon Calendula Flowers (optional)
¼ tsp dried Ginger Root (optional)
If using the calendula and dried ginger, add to Apricot Kernel or Almond Oil and place in a double boiler or bowl over a small pan of water. (or use a glass jar for easier clean up)
Bring to a simmer and heat for 30 minutes on medium low heat to incorporate the properties of the herbs.
Strain through a cheesecloth or metal strainer to remove herbs. YOu will want to make sure you still have at least 2 tablespoons of liquid oil left.
Return the oil to the double boiler and add the shea butter and coconut oil.
Heat until melted and stir to incorporate.
Remove from heat and store in small glass jar.
Add any pregnancy safe essential oils if desired.
Use as needed on skin before, during or after pregnancy as needed.

Sunday 3 November 2013


Look after your feet and treat them with the care and attention they deserve. Your feet, and your back, will thank you for it.

Foot hygiene

While bathing, we often tend to ignore our feet and only apply soap from the ankles up. Your feet need a wash just as much as the rest of your body does, if not more, so make sure you wash and soap your feet as well. Take care to rinse off all soap, and dry feet thoroughly, wiping between the toes.

Keep a pumice stone in the bathroom and every two to three days, soap your feet and scrub them with the stone, paying extra attention to the heels.

Change your socks daily. It's surprising how many people wear the same socks for a couple of days before throwing them in for a wash! If you don't change your socks regularly, your feet will start to smell, and you may even develop a fungal infection.

Use foot powder.
Toenail care

When trimming toenails, don't trim them in an inverted U shape. Trim them straight across without digging into the corners. This keeps toenails healthier.


Don't wear shoes that are too tight. They bruise your toes and heels, and they also hamper your walk. In addition, footwear that is too tight around the toes will cramp your toes, and may even cause your toenail to come out. It is also possible to strain your back.

Check your child's shoes regularly to make sure they are not too small. Children's feet are soft and flexible, and they can easily fit into shoes that are even two sizes too small! But you don't want them doing that, so make sure they wear shoes that are the right size. The easiest way to ensure this is to make your child stand on a sheet of paper as you draw the outline of her foot. Then, measure this outline with the sole of the shoe. If the outline is bigger or exactly the same size, you should get a bigger size. The sole of the shoe should be a little bigger all over than the outline.

Go shoe shopping in the afternoon. Your feet swell to their maximum at this time so you can be sure that anything you buy will not suddenly start feeling tight in the afternoon.

One foot is always bigger than the other, so try on both shoes before buying a pair.

If you are buying keds, wear socks as well while trying on the keds.

The best footwear to wear is genuine leather. It takes the shape of your feet and moulds itself accordingly.

If you will be on your toes all day, stay away from high heels. Heels are great for short periods, but not for long stretches at a time. They completely change your posture and put strain on your back and your toes.

Beauty Tip

A great tip for soft, smooth feet is to apply cream any cream generously to your feet before turning in for the night. Cover them with a pair of socks. Do this everyday, and within a week you will see the difference.

Saturday 12 October 2013

The 25 All-Time Best Men's Health Tips

Here's a chronology of some of our best.

Save your back, lift more, run more: It all starts in your middle, man.

1990: Tilt up your rearview mirror . just far enough to force yourself into an upright sitting position to see behind you, which is good for your posture and your aching back. We've used this simple tip ever since that year, when we drove a Geo Metro (55 miles a gallon, baby!).

1991: Never eat out of the original container

How many times have you dipped into a pint of ice cream only to find yourself staring at the bottom of the container 15 minutes later?

1992: Accept the latexed finger

We called prostate cancer "the overlooked disease," and encouraged more testing and research. Have you been probed lately?

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes & Treatments
LDL cholesterol numbers.

At least not as a stand-alone stat. That's because it doesn't take your "good" HDL cholesterol, which may counteract the bad kind, into account. A better gauge of heart-disease risk: your ratio of total to HDL cholesterol, a notion confirmed by a 2001 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

1994: Make them wait for your best offer

Go to the bargaining table understanding what you're willing to concede. The longer you sit on your hands, the more they're likely to cough up.

1995: Don't check in for surgery in July

If you're scheduling elective surgery in a teaching hospital, shoot for late spring, when residents have more experience.

Your 4-Week Plan to Building Your Best Body Ever

1996: Tape a golf ball to the back of your PJs

It'll stop your snoring by forcing you to sleep on your side or front. Back sleepers often have blocked airways, and that leads to a host of troubles.

A cup of green tea.

Few beverages (with beer as the possible exception) have been celebrated in these pages quite as much as green tea, that antioxidant-rich elixir that may help prevent prostate cancer, lower your heart-disease risk, and find your missing slippers.

The Truth About Medical Marijuana

1998: Compliment her on what counts

"You're beautiful" isn't a compliment. If you want to impress a woman, praise what she's made, not what God's made. "Lovely dress." "Terrific memo." "Incredible insight." "Great joke!"

1999: Use a blow-up workout partner

We're not sure when we fell in love with our curvaceous assistant (the Swiss ball, that is), but the affair was consummated when we devoted a feature to pushups and presses performed with our inflatable friend tight against our bodies.

2000: Don't blow your nose when you have a cold

It can force mucus and germs back into nasal passages and prolong the cold. Use antihistamines. And please—wipe.

2001: The bicycle crunch is the greatest abs exercise ever

Imagine our thrill when biomechanics researchers at San Diego State University used electromyograph machines to measure muscle activity and figure out the best abs exercise. Fortunately, we've since discovered a whole slew of new abs moves the scientists didn't test.

2002: Use the stall nearest to the door

It has the fewest germs and the most toilet paper, because everyone walks past it.

2003: Everybody needs a best friend

Spending time with a pet is more effective at reducing stress than spending time with friends, girlfriends, or alcohol.

2004: Lose your gut, because belly fat kills

Visceral fat (the stuff that settles in your abdomen) lets toxins seep into your vital organs. Which is why round-bellied men die sooner than flat-bellies. So eat six small meals a day instead of three big ones—you'll stave off hunger and avoid overeating. The Abs Diet makes perfect sense.

10 Visual Signs You May Have a Health Problem

2005: Drink chocolate milk

We found a study that says it's a nearly perfect postworkout drink. You're welcome.

2006: Hard and fast is best

The quickest way to burn fat and build fitness is with the Tabata Protocol, which sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel but is a Japanese exercise technique that involves bursts of intense activity and short rests. It works with body-weight exercises, sprints, or exercise bikes. Less time, better body.

2007: Eat the bacon

Fat doesn't make you fat. Too many calories does. Fat is good. Just not too much.

2008: Earn the promotion

Forget your rivals: Do your job and do it well. Where are you looking? At the scoreboard? At the other guy? Or at the assignment in front of you? In any competitive endeavor, team or otherwise, success comes down to the man in the mirror and how he completes his assignment.

125 Best Foods for Men

2009: Strength before cardio

Japanese scientists found that guys who lift weights before their cardio session burn twice as much fat as those who just do cardio.

2010: Do unto others

It doesn't guarantee reciprocation, but you'll never lose. No one's going to scoff, "You delivered as promised? Congrats on being elected mayor of Chump City!"

2011: A close shave

If you have an oblong or oval face shape, trim your hairs closer on the underside of your chin, but leave a bit of length on your cheeks. Round face? Create length by leaving more hair on your chin and less on your cheeks.

2012: Run Softly

The louder your footfalls, the less efficiently you're running. Try running more quietly; you'll be unconsciously switching to a midfoot strike and a shorter, quicker stride.

2013: Leave her be

She says she needs space? Start investing more in your own identity, whether it's going out with the guys or hitting the gym. Giving her this breathing room not only allows her to spend her time how she pleases but also helps your connection in the long run.