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Showing posts with label Men's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men's. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 January 2014


Pregnancy is a time to love yourself and be cautious towards your unborn baby. Read on and learn about beauty don'ts for pregnant women.

Arpita is an expecting a baby. She is very excited about having a child and experiencing the joy of childbirth. At the same time she is feeling a sense of responsibility towards her unborn child. Every time her baby moves inside her, her heart jumps with joy. She is taking every possible care of herself to keep her unborn child away from any harm. She has become health conscious than ever before. She had a word with her doctor regarding care she should take during her pregnancy. She was surprised after finding out some beauty don'ts from her doctor. But that did not stop her from looking and feeling her best.

Becoming a mother is a beautiful experience and maternity can make you glow in its glory. Instead of being clad in boring polka dotted maternity wear, don some fresh maternity fashion, preen and pamper yourself to keep looking ravishing. While you get going to be a lovely mom-to-be, it is important to follow some beauty don'ts as the part of the pre-natal care to keep your unborn baby safe. Get ready to sport that baby bump in style but just remember a few things that you have to avoid. Here we go

Avoid hair dye during pregnancy

You want to get a make-over and plan to color your hair. But hair dyes get absorbed in the scalp and this is a cause for concern. Many researches have shown that few hours later these chemical can be traced in the urine of the pregnant women. Some researches have tried to indicate a link between coloring hair during pregnancy and childhood cancers but there are no strong evidences. Some chemicals can be capable of entering into blood stream once they get absorbed by the body.

Whether these chemicals actually harm the fetus or no is debatable but it is advisable to stay away from hair colors and coloring your hair during pregnancy. You can choose to make use of natural hair dyes such as henna. If you want to color your hair during pregnancy it is best to proceed after the first 12 weeks. In this period the risk of harm to the fetus by chemicals is the lowest.

Avoid hair straightening or perming

Chemicals found in hair treatments such as ironing, perming or straightening are associated with birth defects in some studies. The chemicals used in these kinds of hair treatments do get absorbed in the bloodstream thus coming in contact with the fetus. Due to changes in hormones your body, it may react differently to the cosmetic treatment. Your hair may turn frizzy after a hair straightening treatment due to interplay of hormones. So avoid these hair treatments when you are pregnant.

Avoid hair removing creams

The secretion of hormones during pregnancy makes skin sensitive to pain. The use of regular hair removal cream may cause rashes or allergy. Waxing your hair may be painful than ever before. It is better to carry a patch test of your hair removal or depilatory cream each time before using it. You may use a razor to get rid of unwanted hair during pregnancy or visit a good spa to get hair removed with proper care. Consider seeking advice of your physician before carrying out any other hair removal treatment such as waxing, electrolysis or laser.

Avoid manicure and the use of artificial nails

Getting artificial nails during pregnancy is not recommended. The chemicals used in the process come in direct contact with body and get absorbed through the skin. The chemicals can cause harm to the foetus. Inhalation of the chemical fumes at the time of manicure or nail extension process can cause potential harm to the unborn baby. It is better to avoid indulging in manicures and pedicures if you are pregnant. instead use a body brush for your feet and scrub your hands with a loofah. Keep your nails clipped for a neat look.

Avoid body massages and sauna bath

Certain points on your arms and legs trigger labour if massaged. There are different kinds of massages for pregnant women. Visit only professional spas and salons if you wish to get a body massage. Some aroma oils may make you feel sick causing nausea during pregnancy. It is better to use oils with no fragrance or mild aroma. Essential oils such as rose, eucalyptus, lemon and lavender are considered safe to use during pregnancy.

High temperature is not good for the health of the fetus. You should avoid being in high temperatures. Avoid taking sauna bath during pregnancy as it emits hot steams. Hot tub bath should also be avoided.

Avoid cosmetic treatments

Many cosmetic surgeons believe that opting for cosmetic surgery such as Botox is not advisable during pregnancy. There is no enough data available or research done on the effect of cosmetic injections on the foetus. But it is recommended not to take Botox injections if you are pregnant to avoid any risks.

Avoid treatments such as chemical peeling. Facial treatments for anti-ageing and anti-acne may make use of salicylic acids and retinoid. These ingredients should be avoided in any skin care treatments during pregnancy.

Avoid any treatment which uses high frequency currents or injections. Consult your doctor if you have a doubt about using any beauty products. Avoid intake of medications prescribed as part of your beauty treatment without discussing with your physician.

The first two trimesters need extra care since the fetus is in the initial stage of its growth. Ignorance can become fatal for your unborn child. Coming in contact with some harmful chemicals can also lead to a miscarriage.

While your body is going through phenomenal changes ensure that you take every care to stay healthy and keep your baby safe. A little care can go a long way. Help yourself by following the beauty don'ts and welcome a beautiful baby into your world.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Get to Know Your Liver

The liver is one of our most vital organs and, next to our skin, the largest. Optimal function is essential to dealing with the abundance of toxins that are processed through the liver.

If our liver is not healthy, these toxins can cause it to become sluggish. This can lead to various health problems such as toxicity, high cholesterol, poor digestion of foods, fatigue, blood sugar problems, hormone imbalance, headaches, allergies, sensitivities, and poor skin.

The liver plays a role in a number of important functions in the body, including making cholesterol, bile, blood proteins, and clotting proteins. It is also involved in blood cleansing, production and breakdown of hormones, regulation of blood sugar, and detoxification.

Detoxification–Liver’s Primary Role
The liver’s main role is detoxification, using two methods.

Phase one liver detoxification eliminates toxins through a complex group of enzymes that break down toxins into nontoxic substances, ensuring they can be removed through the kidneys or via the bile.
Phase two liver detoxification involves a process called “conjugation,” where toxic substances are “bound” to other substances in the body (such as glutathione, amino acids, methionine, sulphur, acetyl coenzyme A, and glucuronic acid). Once bound, these substances can be safely eliminated through the kidneys or via the bile.

Cleanse Your Liver
When cleansing the liver, use supportive herbs as well as herbs that stimulate the liver’s production of bile. Used as a vehicle to carry toxins into the small intestine, bile is absorbed by fibre and removed through the colon. Herbs that increase bile include artichoke leaf, dandelion root, and Eclipta alba. It is essential, when performing a liver cleanse, to ensure your bowels are moving at least once per day, otherwise you may reabsorb the toxins.

A liver cleanse should also include antioxidants (such as alpha lipoic acid, green tea leaf, and selenium), as they are good not only for the liver, but also for the entire body. Cleansing the liver can help you to achieve healthy liver function, a necessity for optimal health.

Liver Helpers
Herbs and amino acids that help to support and enhance liver function:
Glutathione is essential for phase two detoxification. Alpha lipoic acid stimulates glutathione production, while L-methionine and N-acetyl-cysteine are amino acid precursors to glutathione.

Milk thistle seed includes the extract silymarin, which prevents depletion of glutathione, and has been shown to increase glutathione levels by up to 35 percent. It has also been shown to be effective for various liver diseases including cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, fatty infiltration of the liver, and inflammation of the bile duct.

L-taurine is important for detoxing drugs, food additives, and toxins from intestinal bacteria. It is also required to eliminate steroid hormones (estrogen) and thyroid hormones so they do not overload the body.

The 25 All-Time Best Men's Health Tips

Here's a chronology of some of our best.

Save your back, lift more, run more: It all starts in your middle, man.

1990: Tilt up your rearview mirror . just far enough to force yourself into an upright sitting position to see behind you, which is good for your posture and your aching back. We've used this simple tip ever since that year, when we drove a Geo Metro (55 miles a gallon, baby!).

1991: Never eat out of the original container

How many times have you dipped into a pint of ice cream only to find yourself staring at the bottom of the container 15 minutes later?

1992: Accept the latexed finger

We called prostate cancer "the overlooked disease," and encouraged more testing and research. Have you been probed lately?

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes & Treatments
LDL cholesterol numbers.

At least not as a stand-alone stat. That's because it doesn't take your "good" HDL cholesterol, which may counteract the bad kind, into account. A better gauge of heart-disease risk: your ratio of total to HDL cholesterol, a notion confirmed by a 2001 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

1994: Make them wait for your best offer

Go to the bargaining table understanding what you're willing to concede. The longer you sit on your hands, the more they're likely to cough up.

1995: Don't check in for surgery in July

If you're scheduling elective surgery in a teaching hospital, shoot for late spring, when residents have more experience.

Your 4-Week Plan to Building Your Best Body Ever

1996: Tape a golf ball to the back of your PJs

It'll stop your snoring by forcing you to sleep on your side or front. Back sleepers often have blocked airways, and that leads to a host of troubles.

A cup of green tea.

Few beverages (with beer as the possible exception) have been celebrated in these pages quite as much as green tea, that antioxidant-rich elixir that may help prevent prostate cancer, lower your heart-disease risk, and find your missing slippers.

The Truth About Medical Marijuana

1998: Compliment her on what counts

"You're beautiful" isn't a compliment. If you want to impress a woman, praise what she's made, not what God's made. "Lovely dress." "Terrific memo." "Incredible insight." "Great joke!"

1999: Use a blow-up workout partner

We're not sure when we fell in love with our curvaceous assistant (the Swiss ball, that is), but the affair was consummated when we devoted a feature to pushups and presses performed with our inflatable friend tight against our bodies.

2000: Don't blow your nose when you have a cold

It can force mucus and germs back into nasal passages and prolong the cold. Use antihistamines. And please—wipe.

2001: The bicycle crunch is the greatest abs exercise ever

Imagine our thrill when biomechanics researchers at San Diego State University used electromyograph machines to measure muscle activity and figure out the best abs exercise. Fortunately, we've since discovered a whole slew of new abs moves the scientists didn't test.

2002: Use the stall nearest to the door

It has the fewest germs and the most toilet paper, because everyone walks past it.

2003: Everybody needs a best friend

Spending time with a pet is more effective at reducing stress than spending time with friends, girlfriends, or alcohol.

2004: Lose your gut, because belly fat kills

Visceral fat (the stuff that settles in your abdomen) lets toxins seep into your vital organs. Which is why round-bellied men die sooner than flat-bellies. So eat six small meals a day instead of three big ones—you'll stave off hunger and avoid overeating. The Abs Diet makes perfect sense.

10 Visual Signs You May Have a Health Problem

2005: Drink chocolate milk

We found a study that says it's a nearly perfect postworkout drink. You're welcome.

2006: Hard and fast is best

The quickest way to burn fat and build fitness is with the Tabata Protocol, which sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel but is a Japanese exercise technique that involves bursts of intense activity and short rests. It works with body-weight exercises, sprints, or exercise bikes. Less time, better body.

2007: Eat the bacon

Fat doesn't make you fat. Too many calories does. Fat is good. Just not too much.

2008: Earn the promotion

Forget your rivals: Do your job and do it well. Where are you looking? At the scoreboard? At the other guy? Or at the assignment in front of you? In any competitive endeavor, team or otherwise, success comes down to the man in the mirror and how he completes his assignment.

125 Best Foods for Men

2009: Strength before cardio

Japanese scientists found that guys who lift weights before their cardio session burn twice as much fat as those who just do cardio.

2010: Do unto others

It doesn't guarantee reciprocation, but you'll never lose. No one's going to scoff, "You delivered as promised? Congrats on being elected mayor of Chump City!"

2011: A close shave

If you have an oblong or oval face shape, trim your hairs closer on the underside of your chin, but leave a bit of length on your cheeks. Round face? Create length by leaving more hair on your chin and less on your cheeks.

2012: Run Softly

The louder your footfalls, the less efficiently you're running. Try running more quietly; you'll be unconsciously switching to a midfoot strike and a shorter, quicker stride.

2013: Leave her be

She says she needs space? Start investing more in your own identity, whether it's going out with the guys or hitting the gym. Giving her this breathing room not only allows her to spend her time how she pleases but also helps your connection in the long run.