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Showing posts with label Ask. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Pimples- Acne- Scars- Stop

21. Grind the leaves of fenugreek seeds and leave this preparation overnight on pimple-affected face.  This kitchen and homely  helps to cure pimples,  whiteheads, blackheads and all sorts of facial blemishes.

22. You can apply lemon juice mixed with mint juice and apply on your acne and its scars.

23. Grind a bunch of coriander leaves with turmeric and add a pinch of camphor to this mix and apply on pimples to cure them.

24. Soak up sesame seeds in water and grind them to make a fine paste. It helps in drying up acne and pimples.

25. Roast the skin of pomegranate and mix this with rose water and apply this on your face to cure persistent acne marks, whiteheads and blackheads naturally.

26. Rub the affected area with vinegar with salt added to it.This beauty treatment unclogs the pores and helps you get rid of pimples and oily surface.

27. Apply garlic paste on acne and its scars and see how anti-fungal qualities of garlic help to remove pimples fast.

28. Grind drumstick pods with lemon juice and use the resultant preparation on your face affected with pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.

29. Radish juice helps to dry up pimple when used topically on the face.

30. Apply orange peels mixed with multani mitti and rose water to have a skin that is pimple-free and clear.

Sunday 3 November 2013


Are you always in a hurry and constantly worrying about your curry? If you are the quintessential workingwoman, you will certainly find yourself neglecting the woman in you. It is absolutely no joke to do a full-time job and look after your husband and children. Therefore, while taking care of others, take care of yourself too.

Your physical and mental health and sense of self-worth plays an important role in what makes you tick. Let us see how working mothers can look and feel beautiful. Pamper thyself.

1. The first step is to de-stress. Worries only bring wrinkles. So when you wake up in the morning, the first thing that you need to do, after stretching and yawning, is to take a few deep breaths and relax. In fact you could even do it in the middle of the day, especially when you find the pressures threatening to take over. Before starting on any work, meditate. Say 'OM' for a few minutes. Or anything that makes you feel good. Even if you can spend just 5-10 minutes of your day on meditation, you will look and feel much better.

2. Drink loads of water. Start with 2-3 glasses until you can swallow over a litre on an empty stomach. This will serve to flush out all the toxins from your system and make your skin glow.

3. Next, splash your face with cold water before brushing your teeth. Put a few drops of some aromatic oil in your bathwater to help you feel fresh and energetic. After bath, use a good hand and body lotion to keep your skin supple and young.

4. Apply some sunscreen lotion before going out to work. Do not forget your dark glasses to avoid crow's feet around your eyes.

5. After coming home from a hard day's work, clean your skin with a little bit of cotton soaked in unboiled milk. This serves as an excellent cleanser. Next comes the astringent. For a natural astringent, you could simply splash cold water on your face. After this relax with a herbal face pack or a moisturizer.

6. Just in case you have been tanned, mix a little vinegar with one teaspoon of honey and apply on your face for 15 minutes to remove the tan.

7. You could also apply a paste out of honey and corn flour in order to keep those wrinkles at bay.

8.Soak your tired feet in a bucket of warm water with salt and watch the tiredness slip away.

9. Put a slice of cucumber on both your eyes for about 10 minutes before you go to sleep, as this will not only help you to relax, but it is also excellent for removing dark circles underneath the eyes.

10. Lastly, make sure that you get a good eight hour sleep, as no amount of make up, herbal packs or moisturizers can replace that.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Get to Know Your Liver

The liver is one of our most vital organs and, next to our skin, the largest. Optimal function is essential to dealing with the abundance of toxins that are processed through the liver.

If our liver is not healthy, these toxins can cause it to become sluggish. This can lead to various health problems such as toxicity, high cholesterol, poor digestion of foods, fatigue, blood sugar problems, hormone imbalance, headaches, allergies, sensitivities, and poor skin.

The liver plays a role in a number of important functions in the body, including making cholesterol, bile, blood proteins, and clotting proteins. It is also involved in blood cleansing, production and breakdown of hormones, regulation of blood sugar, and detoxification.

Detoxification–Liver’s Primary Role
The liver’s main role is detoxification, using two methods.

Phase one liver detoxification eliminates toxins through a complex group of enzymes that break down toxins into nontoxic substances, ensuring they can be removed through the kidneys or via the bile.
Phase two liver detoxification involves a process called “conjugation,” where toxic substances are “bound” to other substances in the body (such as glutathione, amino acids, methionine, sulphur, acetyl coenzyme A, and glucuronic acid). Once bound, these substances can be safely eliminated through the kidneys or via the bile.

Cleanse Your Liver
When cleansing the liver, use supportive herbs as well as herbs that stimulate the liver’s production of bile. Used as a vehicle to carry toxins into the small intestine, bile is absorbed by fibre and removed through the colon. Herbs that increase bile include artichoke leaf, dandelion root, and Eclipta alba. It is essential, when performing a liver cleanse, to ensure your bowels are moving at least once per day, otherwise you may reabsorb the toxins.

A liver cleanse should also include antioxidants (such as alpha lipoic acid, green tea leaf, and selenium), as they are good not only for the liver, but also for the entire body. Cleansing the liver can help you to achieve healthy liver function, a necessity for optimal health.

Liver Helpers
Herbs and amino acids that help to support and enhance liver function:
Glutathione is essential for phase two detoxification. Alpha lipoic acid stimulates glutathione production, while L-methionine and N-acetyl-cysteine are amino acid precursors to glutathione.

Milk thistle seed includes the extract silymarin, which prevents depletion of glutathione, and has been shown to increase glutathione levels by up to 35 percent. It has also been shown to be effective for various liver diseases including cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, fatty infiltration of the liver, and inflammation of the bile duct.

L-taurine is important for detoxing drugs, food additives, and toxins from intestinal bacteria. It is also required to eliminate steroid hormones (estrogen) and thyroid hormones so they do not overload the body.

Cleansed? What's Next?

You’ve cleansed your body’s vital systems of toxins. Now you’re feeling good, and it’s time to get back to a regular diet that doesn’t include the foods that were responsible for creating toxicity in your body.

In order to stay healthy you’ll need to reintroduce foods into your diet in a way that won’t create a shock to your body. This is also a good time to assess the foods to which you may have allergies or intolerances.

Avoiding Inflammatory Foods
Foods that more commonly cause sensitivities, such as wheat, dairy, corn, soy, yeast, and sugar, should also be reintroduced slowly. Eating these highly allergenic foods too early may give you a “food hangover” and cause a severe reaction in your body. Avoid those foods that were causing inflammation in your body. The key is to eat foods that enable proper absorption of vitamins and minerals and to reintroduce foods one at a time, every three or four days.

As you reintroduce certain foods, you will be the judge how they affect you overall. The best way to assess food sensitivities or allergies is by using a detailed diary outlining what food was reintroduced and the symptoms associated with that food, if any.

Furthermore, an enzyme-linked immunoassay test (IgG food antibody test) can be performed by your naturopathic physician to identify delayed food allergies that cause ongoing illnesses difficult to assess through elimination diets, such as chronic sinusitis, fatigue, arthritis, eczema, migraines, bloating, and constipation.

Two weeks after your cleanse, you may incorporate these foods back into your diet. Introduce them one at a time, every four days:

milk and dairy products
corn, wheat, rye, oats, and barley
citrus fruits
white potatoes
coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages
The best foods to reintroduce are vegetables. Green leafy vegetables–kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and bok choy–are particularly useful, not only for their nutrient content but also for their cleansing and alkalizing properties and antioxidant content. Green vegetables help flush toxins from the body and are important to your diet on an ongoing basis.

Other vegetables to reintroduce include onions, carrots, beets, leeks, celery, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, green beans, and broccoli.

Healthy and hypoallergenic grains include steamed brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, wild rice, and millet. They are high in protein, fibre, and B vitamins.
These whole grains offer complex carbohydrates that can provide a steady supply of energy throughout the day when combined with legumes or other protein sources, enabling blood sugar to be released slowly into the bloodstream.

Fruits may also be reintroduced into the post-cleanse diet. The best fruits to reintroduce early in the post-cleanse phase include noncitrus fruits rich in antioxidants, such as organic apples, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

The best sources of proteins to reintroduce first are beans and legumes, which are not only great sources of protein but are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Healthy animal proteins to reintroduce post-cleanse include boneless, skinless chicken and turkey breasts that are free-range, organic, and antibiotic-free.

In addition, fresh fish are a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, especially the smaller ocean species, such as sardines and mackerel, and white fish, such as flounder or cod. For individuals who eat red meat, grass-fed organic beef is recommended–but no more than 12 oz (340 g) per week.

Good Fats
Introducing good fats–essential fatty acids (EFAs)–into your diet is important after a cleanse. Avoid the bad fats–saturated and trans.
Fatty (dark meat) fish is an important source of the omega-3 fats. Other sources of EFAs include a variety of nuts and seeds. Make sure you consume raw nuts and seeds without processed oils, salt, or sugar. Replace butter, margarine, and shortening oils with flaxseed, macadamia, coconut, and olive oils.

Spices and herbs offer another way to add an infinite variety of antioxidants to the foods you choose to add to your diet. Turmeric, cumin, and fennel, for example, can restore antioxidant levels, regulate blood sugar levels, and decrease inflammation.

Ask Ayushmann anything

My girlfriend wants us to change our facebook statuses to "in a relationship." I'm not into the public stuff. Is this a done deal?
Amish Sakhuja, Via email

This battle isn't about status. It's about boundaries: you're private and she's public. Tell her that. Tell her what you want to share with the world and what you'd rather save for friends and family. And have her do the same. If there's enough common ground there, or if you two can reach a compromise, you guys have a chance. If not, better to know now.

Everytime I wear skinny jeans my girlfriend gave me, my buddies make fun of me. How do I handle these guys?
Ashok Singh, Mumbai

Internationally, it is already a trend. But the question here is do you like wearing the jeans or not? If you do, return fi re and ride this out. I bet half of them are sniping because they wouldn't fi t into skinny jeans themselves. But if you're only wearing them for her sake and are extremely uncomfortable, then your friends are doing you a favour buddy. Wear them over to her place a few times, and then put them into semiretirement. They're just jeans, after all. Not a wedding band. So don't let it get to your head.

I have a hard time asserting myself. I don't want to yell, but I know I shouldn't be a doormat. Any ideas?
Anurag Dewal, via email

Half your battle is won already as at least you realise that you don't want to be a doormat. The problem with people who don't stand up for themselves is that they'd rather avoid confrontation than think about the future. Once you're labelled a patsy, you could eventually lose a job and plenty of respect. You don't have to be rude. The only way you'll change is by realising it's okay to be uncomfortable in the present to protect your future.

What do you do if you've taken a job and a better offer comes up a few weeks later? I am terribly confused. Help!
Sunil Kumar, Ludhiana

Think about work like you think about girls. Women don't want a man who breaks their trust, but they'll pursue a man they can't have. So if you're not sure you're in the right relationship, honour your current commitment, but keep in touch with the lady who's flirting with you. Once you've given the first woman a fair chance, there's nothing wrong to see if the second one wants to have a drink. This way you get best of both the worlds on your plate.

My colleagues start brainstorming e-mail chains after office hours. Do I really need to reply to their mails? It's annoying.
Saksham Sinha, Chennai

That's one of the biggest cons of technology. It screws your personal life. Predominantly, I'm a fi rm believer in last call. When the house lights go up, I've wrapped up my shows and about to hit the bed until I'm back on the clock again. My day's work is done-and so is yours. So don't let your colleagues cut into your personal time in any way. But, of course, in times of emergency it's selfi sh to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to all the emails. In fact the best opportunities come your way in times of crisis. But again the onus of drawing a line between frivolous and serious calls/emails lies on you.

The Bollywood outsider who competed for the spotlight of success with millions of sperm... err, strugglers and hit bulls' eye with Vicky Donor. He comes from Chandigarh, is the proud father of a one-year-old.