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Showing posts with label Overproduced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Overproduced. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Home remedies to get rid of Acne

31. Groundnut oil and lemon juice combined in equal measure helps to remove pimples and redness.

32. Mix raw milk with besan(gram flour) and neem oil and use this homemade facial mask daily as a facial cleanser to get a clear, spotless and flawless skin.

33.  Application of egg white helps to dry up acne and lighten acne scars naturally.

34. Boil 50 gm of raspberry in strawberry of blueberry leaves in 1.5 litre of water and strain this mixture to rinse your face. Good beauty tip for pimples with an irritation and itching sensation.

35. Crush pain killer tablet aspirin in water and wash your face with this solution.

36. Dab calamine lotion on face to fight pimple and its stubborn marks.

37.Mix neem leaves with fuller's earth and apply on your face and neck.

38. Crush marigold flower with castor oil and and dab on your pimple to bring its zit to the top. Then suppress this pimple with basil and sandalwood paste to prevent it from erupting.

39. Mix hydrogen peroxide in your regular neem leaves face pack to banish pimple and zit quickly.

40. Tea tree oil mixed with apple cider vinegar works well to reduce the acne and oiliness of skin.

Treating Acne And Acne Scars Using Home Remedies

1. Apply the juice of  of raw papaya on your acne and its ugly scars. Papain and vitamin A found in papaya help to heal acne and lightens it scars.

2. Roast few pods of clove in a pan. grind them mixing with curd and apply this preparation on your acne and pimples to treat them quickly. You will see quick results in 2-3 days.

3. Grind cinnamon to fine powder and mix it with  honey and apply this potent mixture on acne and its stubborn scars to cure them right away. This home made facial mask helps fade away acne scars very effectively.

4. Mash a tomato and apply this mash on your face. Tomato reduces the pore size of skin to control oiliness of skin and preventing further break out of pimples.

5. Apply a little amount of toothpaste on the spot when pimple breaks out suddenly. Believe me! This recipe works miracle in reducing the size and redness of a pimple overnight.

6. Grate an apple and mix it with honey and apply on your face affected with persistent acne and acne scars.

7. Pour lemon juice in hot milk and apply the resultant mixture on your small pimples. Good for teenager girls.

8. Grind margosa leaves with turmeric and apply on your pimples. This beauty tip aids a great deal in reducing redness and inflammation caused by painful pimples.

9. Apply honey on the spot where you have pimple and place a band aid on the spot for 2 days. Remove the band aid and see how pimple vanishes completely.

10. Grate a cucumber and apply this mash blended with camphor and apply on your face. Boys in their teen can use this remedy.

11. Grind sun-dried orange peels and mix this with curd and apply on your face to treat acne and its ugly scars. This acne-treatment recipe is very good for lightening your complexion also.

12. Mix 2 spoons of fuller's earth with half spoon of clove powder, a pinch of camphor and rose water together and smear this paste on face to heal pimple fast. Use this herbal remedy daily to see visible results. Good for oily skin.

13.Grind honey with 2-3 garlic bulbs and apply on the affected area to dry up pimple fast.

14. Grind nutmeg with milk and keep this preparation on face 60 minutes. Use this recipe daily to cure pimples and pimple marks. Good for inflamed and itching pimples.

15. Grind mint leaves to fine paste and apply this preparation on your face for 2 hours. For best results, keep this on your face overnight. This ayurvedic kitchen remedy helps a great measure to dry up and heal pimple overnight.

16. Grind basil leaves and mint leaves together and use this preparation on your face for lessening acne and acne scars.

17. Boil basil leaves and mint leaves and use this water as skin toner to dry up acne and pimples.

18. Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and use this to fade away acne and pimple marks. A nice skin -lightening face pack for oily skin!

19. Make a preparation with 2 spoons of oatmeal powder, 3 spoons of olive oil and 2 spoons of  lemon juice and dab on your pimple and its marks to reduce it.

20. You can take hot epsom bath bath to keep pimples away.

Wednesday 1 January 2014


Pregnancy is a time to love yourself and be cautious towards your unborn baby. Read on and learn about beauty don'ts for pregnant women.

Arpita is an expecting a baby. She is very excited about having a child and experiencing the joy of childbirth. At the same time she is feeling a sense of responsibility towards her unborn child. Every time her baby moves inside her, her heart jumps with joy. She is taking every possible care of herself to keep her unborn child away from any harm. She has become health conscious than ever before. She had a word with her doctor regarding care she should take during her pregnancy. She was surprised after finding out some beauty don'ts from her doctor. But that did not stop her from looking and feeling her best.

Becoming a mother is a beautiful experience and maternity can make you glow in its glory. Instead of being clad in boring polka dotted maternity wear, don some fresh maternity fashion, preen and pamper yourself to keep looking ravishing. While you get going to be a lovely mom-to-be, it is important to follow some beauty don'ts as the part of the pre-natal care to keep your unborn baby safe. Get ready to sport that baby bump in style but just remember a few things that you have to avoid. Here we go

Avoid hair dye during pregnancy

You want to get a make-over and plan to color your hair. But hair dyes get absorbed in the scalp and this is a cause for concern. Many researches have shown that few hours later these chemical can be traced in the urine of the pregnant women. Some researches have tried to indicate a link between coloring hair during pregnancy and childhood cancers but there are no strong evidences. Some chemicals can be capable of entering into blood stream once they get absorbed by the body.

Whether these chemicals actually harm the fetus or no is debatable but it is advisable to stay away from hair colors and coloring your hair during pregnancy. You can choose to make use of natural hair dyes such as henna. If you want to color your hair during pregnancy it is best to proceed after the first 12 weeks. In this period the risk of harm to the fetus by chemicals is the lowest.

Avoid hair straightening or perming

Chemicals found in hair treatments such as ironing, perming or straightening are associated with birth defects in some studies. The chemicals used in these kinds of hair treatments do get absorbed in the bloodstream thus coming in contact with the fetus. Due to changes in hormones your body, it may react differently to the cosmetic treatment. Your hair may turn frizzy after a hair straightening treatment due to interplay of hormones. So avoid these hair treatments when you are pregnant.

Avoid hair removing creams

The secretion of hormones during pregnancy makes skin sensitive to pain. The use of regular hair removal cream may cause rashes or allergy. Waxing your hair may be painful than ever before. It is better to carry a patch test of your hair removal or depilatory cream each time before using it. You may use a razor to get rid of unwanted hair during pregnancy or visit a good spa to get hair removed with proper care. Consider seeking advice of your physician before carrying out any other hair removal treatment such as waxing, electrolysis or laser.

Avoid manicure and the use of artificial nails

Getting artificial nails during pregnancy is not recommended. The chemicals used in the process come in direct contact with body and get absorbed through the skin. The chemicals can cause harm to the foetus. Inhalation of the chemical fumes at the time of manicure or nail extension process can cause potential harm to the unborn baby. It is better to avoid indulging in manicures and pedicures if you are pregnant. instead use a body brush for your feet and scrub your hands with a loofah. Keep your nails clipped for a neat look.

Avoid body massages and sauna bath

Certain points on your arms and legs trigger labour if massaged. There are different kinds of massages for pregnant women. Visit only professional spas and salons if you wish to get a body massage. Some aroma oils may make you feel sick causing nausea during pregnancy. It is better to use oils with no fragrance or mild aroma. Essential oils such as rose, eucalyptus, lemon and lavender are considered safe to use during pregnancy.

High temperature is not good for the health of the fetus. You should avoid being in high temperatures. Avoid taking sauna bath during pregnancy as it emits hot steams. Hot tub bath should also be avoided.

Avoid cosmetic treatments

Many cosmetic surgeons believe that opting for cosmetic surgery such as Botox is not advisable during pregnancy. There is no enough data available or research done on the effect of cosmetic injections on the foetus. But it is recommended not to take Botox injections if you are pregnant to avoid any risks.

Avoid treatments such as chemical peeling. Facial treatments for anti-ageing and anti-acne may make use of salicylic acids and retinoid. These ingredients should be avoided in any skin care treatments during pregnancy.

Avoid any treatment which uses high frequency currents or injections. Consult your doctor if you have a doubt about using any beauty products. Avoid intake of medications prescribed as part of your beauty treatment without discussing with your physician.

The first two trimesters need extra care since the fetus is in the initial stage of its growth. Ignorance can become fatal for your unborn child. Coming in contact with some harmful chemicals can also lead to a miscarriage.

While your body is going through phenomenal changes ensure that you take every care to stay healthy and keep your baby safe. A little care can go a long way. Help yourself by following the beauty don'ts and welcome a beautiful baby into your world.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Diaphragm (A Female Contraceptive Device)

Diaphragm is a barrier method of contraception. It is highly effective if used along with a Spermicide. A health care practitioner is consulted to determine the size of Diaphragm that fits a woman. Diaphragm is a preferred choice of contraception as it is an easy barrier method of contraception for women. Read on to know more about the advantages and side effects of Diaphragm.

The Diaphragm is a soft rubber device that has a flexible spring attached to its outside edge. The Diaphragm is a shallow rubber disk that is dome-shaped. And its flexible ring is inserted in a way that it perfectly fits inside the vagina.

How Does Diaphragm Work?

Diaphragms are highly effective when used conjointly with Spermicides wither in the form of gels or cremes. The gel or creme acts as an indispensable contraceptive agent and stays close to the cervical area of the woman. As a result, the sperm is effectively prevented from entering the uterus. Chances of pregnancy thus get alleviated.

The Diaphragm is said to be highly effective with a score of a high 94%. But it is extremely important to ensure that the spermicidal gel or creme is used properly as otherwise, the effectiveness can fall drastically.

A Diaphragm can be effective even when continually used for two to three years. But before each usage it is very necessary to observe and check minutely for the presence of tiny rips or holes on the surface. This can be easily ascertained if the Diaphragm is stretched and held up against a source of light.

The proper size of the Diaphragm can be determined only by a physician. The woman needs to visit a health care practitioner in order to find which size exactly fits her body.

The Diaphragm must be inserted before sex and should be removed within 6-8 hours after intercourse takes place. Spermicide must be applied every two hours or before each intercourse.

The Diaphragm does not interfere with the sexual actions and can hold its place during urination and bowel movements. The woman can also go under the shower while wearing Diaphragm.

Size of Diaphragm

In order to ensure its high effectiveness, the size of the Diaphragm needs to be regularly checked.

Especially under the following conditions:

The woman has just begun an active sex life
Experiences fluctuating body weight. The situation must be carefully monitored if there is a recent weight gain or twenty pounds or more.
If the woman has become pregnant recently
If any variant of pelvic surgery is carried out on the woman.

Advantages of Diaphragm

Following are the advantages of using Diaphragm for contraception.

Women and couples are found to prefer Diaphragms due to the fact that its presence is not felt by either partner during sexual intercourse.
Compared to the other barrier method contraceptive devices like the cervical cap, the Diaphragm is easier to insert and this makes women feel more comfortable in using it.

Side Effects of Diaphragm

Have a quick look at the side effects of Diaphragm.

TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome can happen in women if the Diaphragm is left for over a day after the sexual intercourse. This is a rare medical condition.
The woman is likely to experience bacterial infections in some cases.
Some women are allergic to rubber which is the base constituent of the Diaphragm and therefore experience irritation or allergy due to it.
The Spermicide can also cause mild to serious irritation or allergies in some women.
It is important to note that the Diaphragm merely is a contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and does not offer any protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections. The most common diseases and infections like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes or HIV are not prevented with a Diaphragm. It is therefore advisable to use the Diaphragm along with the male condom to experience safe sex for both the partners.

Sunday 3 November 2013


Winter wear is always tricky. You want to look good and wear something fashionable, but at the same time you want to make sure that you�re warm and snug.

Every year most of us spend at least a few days sick in bed because we sacrificed warmth in the quest to look good. Why is it so hard to achieve both?

Here are some tips on how you can look hot and keep warm this winter!


Invest in a pair of knee length boots. They are a great buy, because you can then get away with wearing a knee length suede or denim skirt, which would otherwise be virtually impossible in the winter. Make sure you wear stockings or thigh length socks (preferably the colour of your boots), as just a skirt may not provide you with adequate protection from the chill. You could also pair the boots with jeans that have a slit up the side, no higher than the length of the boots.


If your budget doesn�t allow you to go in for knee length boots yet, don�t fret. Instead, go in for closed shoes, with pointed toes. Shoes that end in a point look more formal and fashionable than other shoes, and you can wear them with anything to immediately dress up an outfit. However, you may not find these shoes comfortable for daily wear, especially if you have to walk around a lot. Nothing beats keds for walking, and thankfully, canvas shoes are very fashionable at the moment, so invest in a pair of blue canvas shoes that you can wear with all your jeans.

Coats and jackets

Going shopping for a coat? Often people tend to rush in and buy one, only to realize it�s too large or too small. While buying a coat, remove all excess clothing, and wear only what you would normally wear under the coat. Then, try it on and button it up from the front. Stretch your hands out in front of you as if you are steering a wheel, or hug yourself, and see if it feels too tight. If it does, you should go in for a bigger size. If you are perfectly certain that you will never button up the coat, you could go in for one a size smaller. Avoid buying oversized and fluffy windcheaters or jackets. Go in for well-fitted ones, and opt for wool over PVC. Windcheaters are great after a workout, but are far from sexy.

What colour?

Although white is a great colour for a jacket as it can look very striking, it will get dirty all too soon, and is not very practical. Similarly, colourful jackets like dusty pink or burgundy look great, but cannot be paired with many outfits. On the other hand, no matter what you think, you really don�t need more than one black jacket.

It thus makes sense to first stock up on the basic colours, and then slowly build up your wardrobe. Remember, overcoats and jackets last a long time, and through many seasons, so you can afford to buy unusual colours as well, as you will wear them often through the years.

After buying a basic black overcoat, opt for a camel coloured jacket, which will go great over a black, navy or red turtleneck sweater. Try and fit a bright, long coat into your wardrobe, like turquoise or even orange. Wear it with basic blacks and blues, and the minute you put it on you will feel a lot brighter and sexier.


Are you always in a hurry and constantly worrying about your curry? If you are the quintessential workingwoman, you will certainly find yourself neglecting the woman in you. It is absolutely no joke to do a full-time job and look after your husband and children. Therefore, while taking care of others, take care of yourself too.

Your physical and mental health and sense of self-worth plays an important role in what makes you tick. Let us see how working mothers can look and feel beautiful. Pamper thyself.

1. The first step is to de-stress. Worries only bring wrinkles. So when you wake up in the morning, the first thing that you need to do, after stretching and yawning, is to take a few deep breaths and relax. In fact you could even do it in the middle of the day, especially when you find the pressures threatening to take over. Before starting on any work, meditate. Say 'OM' for a few minutes. Or anything that makes you feel good. Even if you can spend just 5-10 minutes of your day on meditation, you will look and feel much better.

2. Drink loads of water. Start with 2-3 glasses until you can swallow over a litre on an empty stomach. This will serve to flush out all the toxins from your system and make your skin glow.

3. Next, splash your face with cold water before brushing your teeth. Put a few drops of some aromatic oil in your bathwater to help you feel fresh and energetic. After bath, use a good hand and body lotion to keep your skin supple and young.

4. Apply some sunscreen lotion before going out to work. Do not forget your dark glasses to avoid crow's feet around your eyes.

5. After coming home from a hard day's work, clean your skin with a little bit of cotton soaked in unboiled milk. This serves as an excellent cleanser. Next comes the astringent. For a natural astringent, you could simply splash cold water on your face. After this relax with a herbal face pack or a moisturizer.

6. Just in case you have been tanned, mix a little vinegar with one teaspoon of honey and apply on your face for 15 minutes to remove the tan.

7. You could also apply a paste out of honey and corn flour in order to keep those wrinkles at bay.

8.Soak your tired feet in a bucket of warm water with salt and watch the tiredness slip away.

9. Put a slice of cucumber on both your eyes for about 10 minutes before you go to sleep, as this will not only help you to relax, but it is also excellent for removing dark circles underneath the eyes.

10. Lastly, make sure that you get a good eight hour sleep, as no amount of make up, herbal packs or moisturizers can replace that.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Sebum in hair – How to control, What happens When Overproduced

Sebum plays an important role in maintaining your hair and skin healthy. But, too much sebum can bring the opposite result. Lack of sebum can cause dry hair, dry scalp and increment of wrinkle formation. Conversely, over production of sebum may trigger to oily hair, oily scalp and many more problem.

What the heck is Sebum?

Sebum is natural oil which ejects from the sebaceous glands. With the help of hair follicle, sebaceous glands generate natural oil to smooth and moisturize the hair and skin. Sebum is produced to keep the scalp from drying out and maintain the balance and volume of both hair and skin.

Sebum is a complete combination of lipids which includes, Fatty acids, Squalene, Glycerides, Cholesterol and Cholesterol esters. Natural oil sebum is found all in the body but mostly in the chin, forehead and mid-back. But, the soles of feet and the palms of hands are out of syllabus.

Jobs of Sebum in Hair

Under the hair scalp, Sebaceous glands are connected to the bottom of hair follicle. The job of sebaceous glands are to manufacture the sebum. In a particular time, cells outburst and sebum ejects. The job of sebum is being started off soon after the sebum makes its way to the surface of your hair scalp.

The following jobs have been done by the sebum oil,

It provides moisture to the hair and skin
It moves dead skin cells from the hair follicle to the surface
It prevents the scalp from drying out by lubricating
It reduces water loss from the skin surface
It protects the skin from friction
It also prevents the buildup of certain bacteria and fungi

Reason of Overproduction of Sebum
Scientists didn’t haven’t identified the exact causes yet, but they have discovered some factors responsible for the overproduction of sebum. Let’s talk it about,

The moment people entered into the short time of Menopause, the sebum production is dramatically enhanced. But, after the puberty, sebum production is nicely balanced into normal rate.
Seborrheic dermatitis is another reason. When It appears in people, the sebum production is incremented in all parts of the body.
Men’s sebaceous glands are the king of manufacturing sebum than women. That’s why, oily scalp and baldness are a common scene in men. So, gender can be another reason.
During the time of pregnancy, hormones imbalances may cause excess production of sebum. This is why, acne is a common problem in women’s pregnancy time as acne is also induced by the excess sebum ejection.
Genetics can be a cause of over production of sebum oil. If a parent suffers oily scalp, then chances are, their youngsters could possibly have the exact same problem.
Poor nutrition and fatty foods can be another  issue. Consuming too much oily and fatty foods bound the sebaceous glands to crank out excess sebum.
What happens when sebum is heavily produced?

As soon as the sebum is heavily produced, it goes directly to the scalp and hair, tends to make them oily. The following are the main problems that appeared soon after the excess oil transmission.

Oily scalp
Oily hair
Hair Loss
Conversely, lack of sebum end results skin dryness, dry hair, dry scalp and unhealthy appearances.

How to control the overproduction of sebum?

Sebum lacking can bring about dry hair, dry skin and increment of wrinkle formation. Conversely, over ejection can trigger to oily skin, oily scalp etc. We have to choose a mid-level place to be safe and of course, we can do it by cutting down the level of excess sebum production.

Vitamin A :

Vitamins are always good and helpful for human body. Overproduction of sebum can be lowered by taking vitamin A. You can take medicated tablets or go for foods that contain vitamin A. Cantaloupe, spinach, carrots, milk, egg yolks and mozzarella cheese contain a good volume of vitamin A that you can have in your daily foods. Also stay away from vitamin A depletes like alcohol and coffee.

Vitamin B :

Maintain enough vitamin B for controlling the sebum production to a normal rate. You can go for meat, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, peas, breads, dairy products and many cereals. Also you can make sure plenty of biotin from egg yolk, liver and yeast.

Avoid oily and fatty foods :

Go for healthy and balanced foods and avoid fatty and oily foods. Oily foods are the key of bounding sebaceous glands to build excess sebum.

Maintain a good sleep :

Get a good sleep every single day. Lack of sleep and rest can trigger to many dangerous problems . Maintain a good amount of sleep to ensure Cortisol to act at a normal rate. Otherwise, Cortisol has an effect on the sebaceous glands to supply excess sebum.

Manage your stress :

Stress can lead to sleeping disorder and increment the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As I previously mentioned, Cortisol stimulates sebaceous glands to burst more natural oil. Stress also depletes the body of B vitamins. To compensate you can take B complex vitamin.

Laser treatment :

You can take laser treatment method to control the overproduction of sebum. This kind of laser treatment is formulated to deal with exactly the oily skin. It will make the sebaceous glands to work on a balanced rate to keep the hair and skin soft and moisturized.