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Showing posts with label and Healthier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Healthier. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Treating Acne And Acne Scars Using Home Remedies

1. Apply the juice of  of raw papaya on your acne and its ugly scars. Papain and vitamin A found in papaya help to heal acne and lightens it scars.

2. Roast few pods of clove in a pan. grind them mixing with curd and apply this preparation on your acne and pimples to treat them quickly. You will see quick results in 2-3 days.

3. Grind cinnamon to fine powder and mix it with  honey and apply this potent mixture on acne and its stubborn scars to cure them right away. This home made facial mask helps fade away acne scars very effectively.

4. Mash a tomato and apply this mash on your face. Tomato reduces the pore size of skin to control oiliness of skin and preventing further break out of pimples.

5. Apply a little amount of toothpaste on the spot when pimple breaks out suddenly. Believe me! This recipe works miracle in reducing the size and redness of a pimple overnight.

6. Grate an apple and mix it with honey and apply on your face affected with persistent acne and acne scars.

7. Pour lemon juice in hot milk and apply the resultant mixture on your small pimples. Good for teenager girls.

8. Grind margosa leaves with turmeric and apply on your pimples. This beauty tip aids a great deal in reducing redness and inflammation caused by painful pimples.

9. Apply honey on the spot where you have pimple and place a band aid on the spot for 2 days. Remove the band aid and see how pimple vanishes completely.

10. Grate a cucumber and apply this mash blended with camphor and apply on your face. Boys in their teen can use this remedy.

11. Grind sun-dried orange peels and mix this with curd and apply on your face to treat acne and its ugly scars. This acne-treatment recipe is very good for lightening your complexion also.

12. Mix 2 spoons of fuller's earth with half spoon of clove powder, a pinch of camphor and rose water together and smear this paste on face to heal pimple fast. Use this herbal remedy daily to see visible results. Good for oily skin.

13.Grind honey with 2-3 garlic bulbs and apply on the affected area to dry up pimple fast.

14. Grind nutmeg with milk and keep this preparation on face 60 minutes. Use this recipe daily to cure pimples and pimple marks. Good for inflamed and itching pimples.

15. Grind mint leaves to fine paste and apply this preparation on your face for 2 hours. For best results, keep this on your face overnight. This ayurvedic kitchen remedy helps a great measure to dry up and heal pimple overnight.

16. Grind basil leaves and mint leaves together and use this preparation on your face for lessening acne and acne scars.

17. Boil basil leaves and mint leaves and use this water as skin toner to dry up acne and pimples.

18. Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and use this to fade away acne and pimple marks. A nice skin -lightening face pack for oily skin!

19. Make a preparation with 2 spoons of oatmeal powder, 3 spoons of olive oil and 2 spoons of  lemon juice and dab on your pimple and its marks to reduce it.

20. You can take hot epsom bath bath to keep pimples away.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Lifeless Hair Once and for All

Thin Hair Treatment, Get rid of Thin

Thin hair is a serious problem as it can lead to hair loss. Using the right thin hair treatments can help avoid this hair disorder. A variety of factors are responsible for making hair thin, but fortunately many treatment options are also available to convert thin hair into thick hair.

This article will describe some effective home treatments and tips that will help prevent thin hair as well as hair loss. Before going into the treatment part, let’s get to know the causes of thin hair first. This will help you to treat your lifeless hair very well.

What actually causes hair to become thin?

To choose a preventive measure or to treat thin hair problem, the first and foremost thing is to know the basic culprits that are responsible for causing that damage to hair. Carrying out random methods for treatment of thin hair will not have much effect unless you pick up the root causes of thin hair and start treating it.

The common causes of thin hair are: Stress, Hormones imbalance, Diet deficient in nutrients, Aging, Toxic hair products, Certain medications like ibuprofen, Genetic linkages, and Medical disorders like hyperthyroidism.

Home treatments for thin hair

Home treatments and household remedies have been very effective in coping with the problem of thinning hair. Below are some easily available and comfortable to use, home treatment options for the thin hair.


Avocado is a good remedy for the thin hair. A mixture of the crushed avocado can be massaged on the scalp. Leave the avocado paste on your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse the hair with a good shampoo.

On drying, the hair will look healthy and thick. A hair mask can also be made by heating together the half ripe smashed avocado and two tablespoons of aloe Vera. Put this paste on hair for about 15 minutes and then wash thoroughly to have thick hair.

Orange juice

The acidity of orange juice helps remove dandruff and excessive oil from hair and makes them thick. Get the orange pulp and put it on the scalp and rub it thoroughly. The orange juice can also be used.

thin hair treatment
Girl seems worried about her thin hair as it leads to hair loss
Mix equal quantities of apple puree and orange juice and apply it on hair for half an hour. Wash with a shampoo to have thick and strong hair without any dandruff.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds increase the hair growth, make them thick and prevent hair loss. Thin hair can be treated by applying the fenugreeks seeds mixture made by mixing with water, on the scalp and leaving it for 30 minutes as it is.

Rinse it afterwards to have shiny and strong hair. The water soaked with fenugreek seeds can also be used for this purpose. The dryness of scalp will go away and thick hair will be the end result.


Egg proteins are thought to be best remedy and home treatment for having strong and thick hair. Egg proteins supplement all deficiencies of thin hair and make them thick. Separate the egg white and apply it on hair for about 10 minutes and rinse afterwards.

Yolk is also thought to be productive in case of thin hair so it is not necessary to spate yolk in this case. You can make the mesh of the whole broken egg and apply it onto hair.

Olive oil

The massage of the olive oil is beneficial in getting thick and soft hair. Apply olive oil in generous quantity before going to bed and then wash your hair in the morning for fast and best results in getting rid of thin hair.


An easy way to make your hair thick at home is to apply henna on the thin and dry hair. It will give you a natural glowing color and thickness in the hair. Make a paste of henna by mixing it with water and then apply this paste on hair until henna gets dried completely. Wash your hair with a good shampoo afterwards and have the hair of your own choice.

Saga tea

The combination of saga tea with any oil like amla oil is great in nurturing the hair and making them strong naturally.

Caution: Some medications are also available in this regard like propecia but they may irritate your scalp and definitely will have some side effects on your body, so go for natural to convert thin hair into thick hair.

Effective tips to prevent thin hair

Here are some amazing tips that will help you know the things that will prevent thin hair and your hair will remain thick and glowing.

Good shampoo: Choose a good shampoo that comes up with the basic cleansing system and contains hair proteins and vitamins to make hair thick.

Don’t brush often: Brushing the hair a lot of times makes them dry and thin so avoid excessive brushing. Also keep brushing away when your hairs are wet.

Pack up hair while sleeping: The spreading of hair on fabrics and tangling causes the loss of nutrients and stimulates dryness. Ponytail or clip your hair before going to bed. A silk pillow is often much better and healthy for hair than a cotton pillow so go for silk to avoid thin weak hair.

Hair cuts: Getting regular haircuts help removing dry and split ended hair and thick and strong hair come up in their place.

Stop blowing hair too much: Hot air can deprive hair of all important nutrients and make them thin and weak so use hair blower only occasionally.

Massage hair often: Massaging the hair with good oil stimulates the hair follicle to increase hair growth and it gives strength to the hair roots.

Eat great diet: Make sure that your body is not deficient in any important mineral like folic acid. If you have some deficiency, eat well to overcome it and give strength and thickness to hair by diet.


Saturday 26 October 2013

You are 13 steps behind from making your hair Thicker and Healthier

You will find three kinds of people in the world. One who gets naturally thicker and healthier hair by born, one who gets it automatically at some stage when living a healthy life and one who doesn’t get it by born but has desire and dedication to get thicker hair following every possible steps. You must be in the third group and want to grow thicker hair.

How to get thicker hair?

Growing thicker hair is not a tough job nor an easy job. All you need is a commitment to yourself. Before diving into the steps, you can follow this article “Amazing Hair Care Tips and Routine for Repairing Damaged Hair” to lower the issue of damaged hair. Let’s get into the steps,

Wash your hair only when you feel your hair need to wash

You already know your hair type very well. Isn’t it? It can be straight, curly, wavy, or kinky, OR it can be oily, dry, smelly, or damaged hair. Daily washing doesn’t suit on everybody’s hair because it varies on hair types and textures. The most effective rule for washing your hair is always to wash based on the type of your hair.

For oily hair daily/2-3 times a week is perfect, for curly hair once a week and for straight hair 3-4 times a week is the right option to choose. For a better understanding, read this article “How often should your wash your hair?”.

Include healthy foods in your diet list and Consume daily

This is the best step to make hair thicker considering that healthy and thicker hair strands come from healthy scalp. Vitamin A, C, Group of vitamin B, Copper, Zinc, Iron and Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for making hair thicker. So, the question is which foods consist of these top quality vitamins?

Don’t worry, here is an article which covers “30 healthy foods for healthy hair” that will help make your hair more healthier and thicker.

Message your scalp daily to increase the blow circulation

Daily scalp messaging is a MUST for growing hair thicker. There are two ways that you can follow

Messaging with just your fingers
Messaging with Coconut, Jojoba, or Amla oil
If you go with method 1, then you definitely can do it many times a day with just only your fingers. This will boost the blood flow level of your scalp which will help get healthy scalp and as you already know when you have healthy scalp, you are going to get healthy hair.

how to get thicker hair
Hair need the right nutrients, moistures, volumes and daily practices for growing thicker
If you choose method 2, then you can use coconut, jojoba, or amla oil. This could also do the same but with some nutrients that the oil contains. Apply some oil on your scalp and gently message it for 3-5 minutes. Wrap your head with a towel moistened with warm water.

After 5-10 minutes, rinse off your hair very well. You don’t  need to do this daily, once a week is perfect option to decide on.

Stay away from heat styling tools

Heat styling equipments for example curly iron, flat iron, straight iron, or blow drier are the culprit of hair. These heat-irons are hazardous for making hair dry and brittle. If you use these equipments more often and desire to grow thick hair, you then MUST have to forestall these styling tools. Forget about blow drying, and make a friendship with air drying.

Stay away from chemical based shampoo and styling products

Chemical substances are always bad for almost everything as well as hair. Most of the products that you simply use to cleanse your scalp, may go well with you, but not for other people. You will discover lots of shampoos and styling products which contain Laureth sulfates and Sodium laurel.

These chemical takes the natural oil off from your scalp and make your hair dry. So, It is best to avoid chemical based shampoo and styling products and go only for organic products to make your hair healthy as well as thicker.

Deep condition once a week to keep hair moisturized

Hair can turn out to be weak and lousy due to the exposure to the elements and frequent washing. As like we have to have some extra sleeps for making our body healthy, your hair demand it too and you can give it by deep conditioning once a week.

Simply because, deep condition is the best way to moisture hair when your hair need some extra pampering.

Volumizing method for giving hair fullness

To give a life to your hair, volumizing method comes in a great handy. You will find lots of volumizing shampoos and conditioners available in the market and from them you have to choose only natural products to be safe and sound.

After washing your hair with volumizing shampoo and conditioner, you might notice some changes in your hair strands. This method will add wave and volume to your hair which will help make hair thicker.

Shield your hair when going out

It is really challenging to protect your hair from daily pollutants, toxins. But, there are some preventive formula that you could attempt to shield your hair from these culprits. When your are heading to the sun, wear a cap or scarf, this will protect your hair from the harmful UV rays.

Swimming pools water are also harmful for the health of hair. When you need to swim, put on a swimming cap to verify your hair are safe from chlorinated water. Right after your swimming, wash your hair with a shampoo very well to ensure there isn’t any chlorine build-ups presents on your hair.

For a better understanding, read this article “Hair Care Tips and Quick Fixes for Swimmers Hair“.

Deal with your stress

Stress features a direct connection to the hair fall. The more you stress, the more your hair will fall out plus the more thinner you hair will be. No worries! As soon as you can lessen your stress level, the situation will be controlled just like before.

Though some kinds of stress cannot be lowered, but you can try sleeping formula to get rid of stress and make your hair from falling out and thinning. Make an effort to sleep 8+ hours a day and sleep only on satin pillow to ensure your pillow cannot take the moisture away from your hair.

Keratin Treatment

Keratin treatment shortens the time of blow-drying to a minimum of 40-60%. Get a keratin treatment every two weeks to avoid wasting time and make the journey of getting healthy and thicker hair successful. This treatment will help your hair from steady damage of heat styling products.

Natural Treatments to make hair thicker

Natural treatments are always preferred and work great when actively applied. There are lots of natural ways available to choose for making hair thicker. Below are the top 3 natural treatments that you can apply. Give it a try and get the best results.

Egg Treatment

Protein treatment is necessary for making hair thicker and healthier. Egg treatment can cover the protein treatment part, so you only need some eggs deepening on the size of your hair. Take some eggs, bend it very well and pour on your scalp. Make sure your hair are wet before pouring.

Now, let it sit for 8-12 minutes and then wash your hair with a shampoo and lukewarm water. This egg treatment will give your lifeless hair a brand new life and will let you to get thicker hair. Take this treatment 2 times a week.

Aloe Vera Treatment

You can also take Aloe Vera treatment to make your hair healthy and thicker. Take some Aloe Vera leaves and extract the gel from it. Now, implement those gel on your scalp and hair and let it sit for half an hour. Finally rinse off your hair with lukewarm water. You could take this home treatment once a week.

Avocado and Banana Mixer

Another great option for growing thicker hair is applying a mixer of Avocado and Banana. Take a banana along with a meshed avocado, mix them very well and apply on your scalp. Now, leave it for 30 minutes to be sure your hair are getting the right nutrients from avocado and banana mixer.

Finally, wash your hair with a shampoo and then conditioner. Once a week is the best option for this avocado and banana treatment.

Bonus Tip: Be Dedicated

This is not an easy job to make hair thicker and healthier. You have to be dedicated and work very hard on every single steps outlined above. If you can make sure that you are following all the steps, then all I can say you are not very far from getting healthy and thicker hair. Good Luck :)