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Showing posts with label EXCESSIVE BODY HAIR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EXCESSIVE BODY HAIR. Show all posts

Saturday 2 January 2016

Beauty Uses Of Besan

1. Gram flour whitens and softens the skin

Gram flour is used for lightening the skin tone since ages. You can mix gram flour with either raw milk or curd to apply on your face. You can add the juice of lemon juice too in this mask. On continuous use, you skin becomes fair, smooth and flawless. Curd-besan or milk- besan is the most common face pack applied by women of all ages. Gram flour’s cleansing properties rid the skin of impurities and dirt, leaving your skin squeaky clean and fresh. You can use this natural face mask on your whole body to experience a soft and fair skin all over. Use this face mask daily and step out without make-up to show your smooth and more radiant skin to the world!

2. Gram flour controls the surface oiliness of face

 Blend 4 spoons of gram flour with one spoon of rose water and 2 spoons of mauka honey. Spread this mix all over your face and neck. Allow it to dry for 15 minutes before rinsing if off with cold water. But if you are time-starved, then you can use this face pack as your regular face wash to cleanse your skin every time you wash your face. You can get oil-free complexion within short span of time

3. Besan(Gram flour) treats dry and flaky skin

Besan when mixed with milk cream (malai) does wonder for replenishing moisture into your moisture-starved skin. This face mask deeps nourishes your skin for a softer and glowing complexion. If you are experiencing flaky and parched skin, then you can add few drops of olive oil or almond oil in this mix to give your skin much-needed hydration.

4. Besan helps to treat acne and acne marks

If besan is applied with sandal wood paste, then your acne will heal up quickly. You can mix lemon juice also in this mix to fade your unwanted acne scars fast.

5. Besan(Gram flour) can be used to remove tan
Add a pinch of turmeric to curd and besan mix; apply on your face and neck daily. This homemade face pack makes your skin supple and smooth. Additionally, it works to remove suntan.

6. Besan reduces the body hair, Apply (gram flour) Besan and water on your whole body to reduce the hair growth. That is why gram flour is used on small babies’ body too to reduce their body hair.

7. Gram flour is a great exfoliating scrub

Scrubbing is an essential part of our daily skin care routine to lift away dead skin cells and dullness to reveal your fresh skin on the outside. Gram flour can be an excellent exfoliating scrub for you. Mix gram flour with rice powder, almond powder, turmeric, and curd; scrub off gently to remove dead cells. This mix is the best exfoliating scrub on the earth, which is very easy to use. This scrubs works well if sesame oil is applied prior to this application.

8. (Gram flour)Besan is used for tightening the sagging skin

Beat an egg and discard egg yolk. Whip this egg white with a fork and mix it with 2 spoons of besan. Allow this mask to soak into your skin for 30 minutes. This face mask tightens the sagging skin and makes the skin firm, which radiates with a youthful charm.

9. (Gram flour) Besan makes face spot-less and flawless

Soak up 5-6 almonds in milk overnight and grind them thoroughly. Then add besan and lemon juice to them. Apply this face mask on your face daily. This face pack fades all types of blemishes like dark spots, acne marks and age spots. Moreover, this homemade face mask is very effective for lightening your skin tone.

10. Besan fights hair fall

Besan and curd mix is a boon to your hair. You can use this mix on your hair to cleanse your hair. What is more, if used regularly, you will see a significant reduction in hair loss.

HIV Diagnosis

What to Do After Being Diagnosed As HIV-Positive
If you've just found out you're HIV-positive, you may feel overwhelmed, fearful, and alone. Know that you are far from alone. Countless people and resources are available to help you and the more than 1 million HIV-positive people living in the U.S. today.

The HIV Test
What does it mean to get an HIV test? Here's the scoop.

HIV Viral Load
After finding out whether you have HIV, you need to know your viral load. Learn about this test here.

CD4 Cell Count
HIV attacks immune cells called CD4 cells. This test keeps track of how many you've got left. Learn more about this essential test that, all by itself, can determine whether or not you have AIDS.

Pregnancy and HIV Testing
Doctors recommend all pregnant women get tested for HIV. Medications are available to prevent the spread of the virus to your unborn babyHIV attacks immune cells called CD4 cells. This test keeps track of how many you've got left.

Sunday 26 January 2014


Here's what is possibly one of the most famous speeches of all time; famous enough to rival those by Martin Luther. The 'speech' was originally written by Mary Schmich in her column for the Chicago Tribune, which she addressed to graduates of the year '97. Within a short time, the column had been picked up and was widely forwarded by email to every corner of the world. The email stated that this was a speech made by novelist Kurt Vonnegut, while addressing the '97 graduating class of MIT. When contacted, Vonnegut stated that he had never been the guest speaker at MIT's graduation ceremony. When Vonnegut's wife received the forward in her mailbox and demanded to know why her husband never mentioned that he made such a brilliant speech, he answered: "Because I didn't".
In the year of 1997, the graduating speaker at MIT had been a Mr. Kofi Annan, the general secretary of the UN, and while he certainly did dispense invaluable advice, 'wear sunscreen'was not part of it.

The original author, Mary Schmich, was certainly not prepared for the huge response her editorial invoked. And while she was initially dumbfounded when she saw her article, attributed to someone else, in her inbox, she bears no grouches against the internet. After all, the email is what raised these few lines to epic status. The lyrics were subsequently converted into a hit song by Baz Luhrmann, where Mary Schmich finally received the credit she so richly deserved.

So if you had ever received this via email and didn't pay much attention to it, now's your chance. Take a print-out, and try and lead your life according to these no-so-profound but wonderfully realistic words of wisdom.
Advice, like youth, wasted on the young
By Mary Schmich

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97:

Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.

The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.

You are NOT as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.

Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself, either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.
Enjoy your body.

Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it is the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings; they are your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.  ag=innbeaisoutbe-21

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Lifeless Hair Once and for All

Thin Hair Treatment, Get rid of Thin

Thin hair is a serious problem as it can lead to hair loss. Using the right thin hair treatments can help avoid this hair disorder. A variety of factors are responsible for making hair thin, but fortunately many treatment options are also available to convert thin hair into thick hair.

This article will describe some effective home treatments and tips that will help prevent thin hair as well as hair loss. Before going into the treatment part, let’s get to know the causes of thin hair first. This will help you to treat your lifeless hair very well.

What actually causes hair to become thin?

To choose a preventive measure or to treat thin hair problem, the first and foremost thing is to know the basic culprits that are responsible for causing that damage to hair. Carrying out random methods for treatment of thin hair will not have much effect unless you pick up the root causes of thin hair and start treating it.

The common causes of thin hair are: Stress, Hormones imbalance, Diet deficient in nutrients, Aging, Toxic hair products, Certain medications like ibuprofen, Genetic linkages, and Medical disorders like hyperthyroidism.

Home treatments for thin hair

Home treatments and household remedies have been very effective in coping with the problem of thinning hair. Below are some easily available and comfortable to use, home treatment options for the thin hair.


Avocado is a good remedy for the thin hair. A mixture of the crushed avocado can be massaged on the scalp. Leave the avocado paste on your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse the hair with a good shampoo.

On drying, the hair will look healthy and thick. A hair mask can also be made by heating together the half ripe smashed avocado and two tablespoons of aloe Vera. Put this paste on hair for about 15 minutes and then wash thoroughly to have thick hair.

Orange juice

The acidity of orange juice helps remove dandruff and excessive oil from hair and makes them thick. Get the orange pulp and put it on the scalp and rub it thoroughly. The orange juice can also be used.

thin hair treatment
Girl seems worried about her thin hair as it leads to hair loss
Mix equal quantities of apple puree and orange juice and apply it on hair for half an hour. Wash with a shampoo to have thick and strong hair without any dandruff.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds increase the hair growth, make them thick and prevent hair loss. Thin hair can be treated by applying the fenugreeks seeds mixture made by mixing with water, on the scalp and leaving it for 30 minutes as it is.

Rinse it afterwards to have shiny and strong hair. The water soaked with fenugreek seeds can also be used for this purpose. The dryness of scalp will go away and thick hair will be the end result.


Egg proteins are thought to be best remedy and home treatment for having strong and thick hair. Egg proteins supplement all deficiencies of thin hair and make them thick. Separate the egg white and apply it on hair for about 10 minutes and rinse afterwards.

Yolk is also thought to be productive in case of thin hair so it is not necessary to spate yolk in this case. You can make the mesh of the whole broken egg and apply it onto hair.

Olive oil

The massage of the olive oil is beneficial in getting thick and soft hair. Apply olive oil in generous quantity before going to bed and then wash your hair in the morning for fast and best results in getting rid of thin hair.


An easy way to make your hair thick at home is to apply henna on the thin and dry hair. It will give you a natural glowing color and thickness in the hair. Make a paste of henna by mixing it with water and then apply this paste on hair until henna gets dried completely. Wash your hair with a good shampoo afterwards and have the hair of your own choice.

Saga tea

The combination of saga tea with any oil like amla oil is great in nurturing the hair and making them strong naturally.

Caution: Some medications are also available in this regard like propecia but they may irritate your scalp and definitely will have some side effects on your body, so go for natural to convert thin hair into thick hair.

Effective tips to prevent thin hair

Here are some amazing tips that will help you know the things that will prevent thin hair and your hair will remain thick and glowing.

Good shampoo: Choose a good shampoo that comes up with the basic cleansing system and contains hair proteins and vitamins to make hair thick.

Don’t brush often: Brushing the hair a lot of times makes them dry and thin so avoid excessive brushing. Also keep brushing away when your hairs are wet.

Pack up hair while sleeping: The spreading of hair on fabrics and tangling causes the loss of nutrients and stimulates dryness. Ponytail or clip your hair before going to bed. A silk pillow is often much better and healthy for hair than a cotton pillow so go for silk to avoid thin weak hair.

Hair cuts: Getting regular haircuts help removing dry and split ended hair and thick and strong hair come up in their place.

Stop blowing hair too much: Hot air can deprive hair of all important nutrients and make them thin and weak so use hair blower only occasionally.

Massage hair often: Massaging the hair with good oil stimulates the hair follicle to increase hair growth and it gives strength to the hair roots.

Eat great diet: Make sure that your body is not deficient in any important mineral like folic acid. If you have some deficiency, eat well to overcome it and give strength and thickness to hair by diet.


Sunday 10 November 2013

Spermicides - Female Contraceptive Aid

Spermicides - Female Contraceptive Aid

Spermicides are an aid to contraception and are actually not a contraceptive device. They are easy to use with an easy availability. Spermicides do not offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases. When used in conjunction with other contraceptive devices, they are very effective. Read on ‘A guide to Spermicide’ to know more about them.

Spermicides are more of a contraceptive aid than a device. Generally speaking these are s
perm killing substances or formulations that are used with most of the barrier female contraceptive methods. They are easily available off the rack in medical stores and do require any medical examinations or prescriptions. Spermicides are regarded as safe, handy and easy to use option of female contraception.

How Does Spermicides Work?

Have a quick look at how Spermicides work.

Sperms are Prevented From Reaching Uterus - Nonoxynol-9 is a common active ingredient in most of the Spermicide. Its objective is to attack the sperm cell’s surface. Thus the sperm is prevented from reaching the uterus as it sort of damages and degenerates the sperm cells.

It Only Helps to Prevent Pregnancy - It should be noted here that this nonoxynol-9 does not work against or give any protection from the sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Researchers have found that frequent and continuous usage of Spermicides may result in vaginal injuries. The startling fact is that under such conditions, the risk of HIV transmissions can heighten in women.

Risk of Urinary Tract Infection in Involved - Then when Spermicides are used alongside a barrier device, the women also stand a two to three fold risk of urinary tract infections. This can well happen with a diaphragm or even a condom. Now-a-days Spermicides are not advised with male condoms. It may not be very effective always in preventing pregnancies when used with diaphragms.

Therefore, Spermicides do assure enhanced protection against unwanted pregnancies but the procedure has its own limitations.

Not Effective If Sex is Had Frequently - Basically it is found to be very effective for women who do not have frequent sex. Or those who need a back up protection against possible pregnancy; that is, say if she has forgotten to take her regular dosage of birth control pill. Spermicides are recommended to be just used as a primary method of birth control and not used as a shield for sexually transmitted diseases.

How Effective Spermicides Are?

Spermicides need to be inserted deep inside the woman’s vagina with the help of the fingers. An applicator can also be used. In order to maximise its effectiveness, it must be inserted at least ten minutes before intercourse. The success rate of Spermicides considerably depends on the manner that is, how properly it is inserted. This is regardless of the form it is used in.

Although, Spermicides can be used by all themselves, their efficacy gets enhanced when they are coupled with other suitable contraceptive devices. The common ones are the diaphragm and cervical cap. The point that needs to be remembered is that the usage should be proper and it is advisable to decide on its best use after due consultation with an experienced medical practitioner.

As said earlier the exact effectiveness of the Spermicide is suspect under generalised conditions. It has been found is studies when used just on its own, this contraceptive option can effectively prevent pregnancy by 75%.

It must be remembered that Spermicides usually take at least 10 minutes to ‘kick in’ and there are some variants that might take a longer time. Then after each sexual intercourse, the Spermicides need to be reinserted. At times couples feel a discomfort in their genitals while using a Spermicide. In most of the cases, it goes away with a change in the form or brand of the Spermicides.

Spermicides are Available in the Following Forms

Spermicide Condoms

This is a latex condom that comes with the Spermicides. These are considered to be great contraception methods to prevent pregnancy as well as offer protection against sexual diseases. There are also various brands of pre-lubricated condoms that offer enhanced and complete protection. 

Sunday 3 November 2013


If you have excessive hair all over your body, you may need to combine various methods of hair removal. Here are some practical solutions.

'What is a full body wax'. I seem to have a lot of hair in various places, and I don't think that waxing would be efficient. I was considering laser hair removal but it is very costly, and I don't even think that would be efficient enough. But for now is there anything that I could do at all Please help me..

A full-body wax means just what it implies hair removal from the entire body, including the arms, underarms, back, chest (if required), stomach, genital region and legs.

Here's what you can do:

Stick with waxing your arms, underarms and legs regularly. You could go in for a bikini wax once a month if you can take the pain, or you can shave your genital region once a week, after making sure the hair has been softened with soap for at least five minutes before shaving. Follow up with moisturiser.

Laser hair removal is indeed very costly, but there is really no other method of permanent hair removal. You could also consider electrolysis, but laser is a newer and superior method, and you could consider going in for this for small areas at a time, over a span of a few years. Hairy sideburns/forehead for example can be removed by laser therapy while you can thread your upper lip, chin and eyebrows.


An interesting product is out in the markets in America, called Hair Off. This is a facial buffer-like hair remover. It is a three-inch tool that performs in the same manner as a pumice stone. You attach a fine sandpaper-like paper on the surface and gently scrub dry, hairy facial skin with it. The hair comes off along with any dead skin. Also, in-growths are not formed and your skin feels smooth. It costs approximately 5 dollars (less than Rs. 250) at CVS, and paper refills are also available definitely a good option for removal of facial hair.

Bleaching is always a preferable option to waxing facial hair, but if you have a lot of facial hair and are dark skinned, the hair will show nevertheless, and it is best to get the hair off by laser therapy or by trying Hair Off. Don't use hair removal creams on the face.

Stomach, Chest and Back

For hair on your stomach and back, use a hair removal lotion if you ever need to wear clothing that reveals these areas. These area is normally mostly covered, so only every once in a while, like if you are going for a beach holiday or wearing a sari, you can consider using hair removal lotion. Remember that hair removal lotions are not always suitable for regular use, and should preferably be used only occasionally.

On a regular basis apply a besan, haldi and curd mixture to your stomach and back (if hairy) and scrub off with your hands when the mixture dries on your skin. You may need someone to help you with your back.

Remove hair from your nipples by cutting it off. You can also use Face Off on your nipples. Make sure you are gentle.

Pumice Stone

Use a pumice stone on your legs everyday. This not only helps reduce hair growth over a period of time but also helps prevent in-growths caused by waxing. When using a pumice stone remember to scrub your skin with gentle motions, after applying soap and water. Scrubbing your skin too hard will cause bruising.

Using a pumice stone as a method for hair removal as opposed to using it for combating in-growths is most effective when used on areas that you do not wax or shave. So you scrub your stomach with a pumice stone gently everyday, and over a period of time the hair-growth will diminish.