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Showing posts with label THIS. Show all posts

Sunday 26 January 2014



Stretch marks are the result of sudden body changes such as puberty, pregnancy or weight gain or loss where the skin stretches out to accommodate the body changes. The best way to combat stretch marks is to prevent their formation.

Stretch marks, also known as Striae Gravidarum are scars that develop mainly around the arms, breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. They are pink, purple or red when newly formed and turn silver or white over time. Stretch marks develop in the dermis i.e. the middle layer of the skin.

Rapid or sudden weight gain is said to be the main cause of formation of stretch marks. Therefore, stretch marks are primarily the bane of pregnant women. 75 to 90% women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The main cause of stretch marks is excessive production of the hormone, cortisone, during pregnancy. Collagen, a protein, helps keep the skin supple. Cortisone decreases the level of collagen present in the skin leading to development of stretch marks. A woman's stomach stretches greatly to accommodate her growing baby. Her breasts grow as well, thus leading women to develop stretch marks on these areas.

Stretch marks are also characteristic in the case of pubescent girls who begin to develop breasts and pubescent boys who begin to develop muscles. Stretch marks can also occur when people begin to lose weight or workout to tone their body. Stretch Marks are hereditary as well. So, if anyone in your family has stretch marks, you are bound to get them too.

The best way to combat stretch marks is to prevent their formation.

Body Lotion

Stretch marks generally appear on areas where skin is dry. Apply body lotion all over, not just on your arms. If you are pregnant, do not forget your tummy and breasts - they need lotion the most. Do not wait until you are pregnant or until you start planning a baby before applying lotion. Start today. Do this every morning, after a shower. Your pores are still open, they are clean, and will be able to absorb the moisturiser well.

Malai or Milk Fat

You could also try something more natural, and apply 'malai' (milk fat) to your body every day. You could do this after applying soap. Smita has been applying malai and haldi instead of soap for years now. And when she delivered, she did not have a single stretch mark! She is now 48-years-old, and her skin glows to this day. For those of us who cannot conceive of taking a shower without soap, using a moisturising soap is a good idea. (If you have very oily skin and pimples on your back, skip applying moisturiser on your back, and when taking a shower, make sure you scrub your back well with a loofah.)

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also believed to help prevent stretch marks. Invest in a cream which has Vitamin E, or apply pure Vitamin E oil to your stomach and breasts every day. You could do this from the time you find out you are pregnant.

Massage and Skin Exfoliation

Regularly exfoliate your skin either with a dry brush, pumice stone or exfoliating body wash in order to improve blood circulation and keep your skin healthy. This will not only reduce appearance of existing stretch marks but also act as a deterrent in formation of new stretch marks. Regular oil body massages help keep your skin nourished and supple. Coconut oil is a good bet as it gets absorbed fairly easily. Start with body oil massages before pregnancy, and speak to your doctor about continuing them during pregnancy. You could gently massage your tummy with oil yourself.

Diet and Water Intake

Water hydrates the skin from within by helping the skin cells stay plump, moisturised and healthy, and if you have been drinking enough water every day, chances are that you have well nourished, supple skin, which will be able to bear the impact of sudden body changes without developing marks. If you have a poor diet, your skin is more likely to be unhealthy. Diets deficient in antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin A or Omega 3s can lead to your skin lacking elasticity which will cause development of stretch marks.

Weight Gain

It is easy to gain weight during pregnancy since pregnant women feel hungry all the time and are often tempted and encouraged to indulge. In addition, indulgence during pregnancy tends to be guilt-free, so women tend to give in to their cravings. Whatever the reason, if you do gain more weight than you should, you are certain to develop stretch marks. The best thing for you to do is to weigh yourself regularly, and aim to gain weight in a systematic manner, as suggested by your gynaecologist.

However, since some factors that cause stretch marks are out of our hands, some stretch marks are bound to appear. If treated immediately upon formation, you can reduce and in some cases completely remove the appearance of stretch marks. You can treat stretch marks as soon as they appear by use of medicated remedies containing glycolic acid or retinoids. You can even try home remedies such as lemon juice, virgin coconut oil or malai if you wish to go the organic route. If stretch marks are not treated as soon as they appear, it becomes much more difficult to treat them without use of surgical options.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Diaphragm (A Female Contraceptive Device)

Diaphragm is a barrier method of contraception. It is highly effective if used along with a Spermicide. A health care practitioner is consulted to determine the size of Diaphragm that fits a woman. Diaphragm is a preferred choice of contraception as it is an easy barrier method of contraception for women. Read on to know more about the advantages and side effects of Diaphragm.

The Diaphragm is a soft rubber device that has a flexible spring attached to its outside edge. The Diaphragm is a shallow rubber disk that is dome-shaped. And its flexible ring is inserted in a way that it perfectly fits inside the vagina.

How Does Diaphragm Work?

Diaphragms are highly effective when used conjointly with Spermicides wither in the form of gels or cremes. The gel or creme acts as an indispensable contraceptive agent and stays close to the cervical area of the woman. As a result, the sperm is effectively prevented from entering the uterus. Chances of pregnancy thus get alleviated.

The Diaphragm is said to be highly effective with a score of a high 94%. But it is extremely important to ensure that the spermicidal gel or creme is used properly as otherwise, the effectiveness can fall drastically.

A Diaphragm can be effective even when continually used for two to three years. But before each usage it is very necessary to observe and check minutely for the presence of tiny rips or holes on the surface. This can be easily ascertained if the Diaphragm is stretched and held up against a source of light.

The proper size of the Diaphragm can be determined only by a physician. The woman needs to visit a health care practitioner in order to find which size exactly fits her body.

The Diaphragm must be inserted before sex and should be removed within 6-8 hours after intercourse takes place. Spermicide must be applied every two hours or before each intercourse.

The Diaphragm does not interfere with the sexual actions and can hold its place during urination and bowel movements. The woman can also go under the shower while wearing Diaphragm.

Size of Diaphragm

In order to ensure its high effectiveness, the size of the Diaphragm needs to be regularly checked.

Especially under the following conditions:

The woman has just begun an active sex life
Experiences fluctuating body weight. The situation must be carefully monitored if there is a recent weight gain or twenty pounds or more.
If the woman has become pregnant recently
If any variant of pelvic surgery is carried out on the woman.

Advantages of Diaphragm

Following are the advantages of using Diaphragm for contraception.

Women and couples are found to prefer Diaphragms due to the fact that its presence is not felt by either partner during sexual intercourse.
Compared to the other barrier method contraceptive devices like the cervical cap, the Diaphragm is easier to insert and this makes women feel more comfortable in using it.

Side Effects of Diaphragm

Have a quick look at the side effects of Diaphragm.

TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome can happen in women if the Diaphragm is left for over a day after the sexual intercourse. This is a rare medical condition.
The woman is likely to experience bacterial infections in some cases.
Some women are allergic to rubber which is the base constituent of the Diaphragm and therefore experience irritation or allergy due to it.
The Spermicide can also cause mild to serious irritation or allergies in some women.
It is important to note that the Diaphragm merely is a contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and does not offer any protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections. The most common diseases and infections like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes or HIV are not prevented with a Diaphragm. It is therefore advisable to use the Diaphragm along with the male condom to experience safe sex for both the partners.

The Contraceptive Sponge (Female Contraceptive)

The Contraceptive Sponge (Female Contraceptive)

Contraceptive options help in preventing unplanned pregnancies and thereby reduce the tensions. There are many female contraceptive options available today and contraceptive sponge is one of them. It has become popular due to its simple and easy usage. Various other factors also make contraceptive sponge a preferred choice by the women. This does not interfere with the hormones so contraceptive sponge is the contraception for the new age women.

The female contraceptive sponge has evolved to be highly popular as a female contraceptive option due to its simple and extremely uncomplicated usage and easy availability and affordability. There have been doubts in certain quarters regarding its effectiveness but like all other contraceptive options, the effectiveness of this one too depends wholly on its correct usage and several other factors. The other associated factors are like whether the woman has already delivered a child or not.

How is it Contraceptive Sponge Used?

The sponge needs to be first moistened with clean hygienic water. It needs to be made foamy before insertion.
While inserting it into the vagina, the woman needs to position it in a manner that gets fixed right over the cervix.
The sponge can be kept inside the vagina from 12 to 24 hours
During this period the woman receives continuous protection from unwanted pregnancy regardless of the number of time intercourse happens.
The most vital point to note here is that the sponge must be allowed to stay in place for at least six hours after intercourse takes place.

Possible Side Effects of Contraceptive Sponge

Side effects with the use of contraceptive sponge are very low. The reason is attributed to the absence of any hormonal medicines in it. Hormonal medicines can cause natural side effects in most women. However, it is better to note that there are a few side effects that have been observed in some women:

While using it that is, during the insertion it is possible that the sponge can wear or tear a bit. This reduces the effectiveness of the sponge and might cause accidental pregnancies.
Some women using the sponge regularly also reported yeast infections in their cervical and vaginal area.
Spermicides are often found to cause allergies. So irritations and allergic reactions can also occur.
The Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a rare complication that can happen with several other barrier contraceptive methods as well.
This is why it is important to ensure that the sponge is removed within a maximum of six hours after insertion.
Women having a prior history of TSS should avoid the use of sponge.

Advantages of Contraceptive Sponge

The sponge has been found to be the most appropriate contraceptive method for women with any of the following conditions:

Those who prefer a disposable contraceptive compared to any permanent or semi-permanent method.
Those who like to opt for alternatives that do not require medical prescriptions. The sponge is available over-the-counter at all medical stores.

Those who are regular smokers. They are likely to experience discomfort and complications using other contraceptive options that work on or with hormones.

Women above the age of 35 are advised not to go for hormonal methods of birth control. They are likely to feel more comfortable with the sponge.

Hormonal methods are likely to come with several possible side effects. Women who do not want to experience the risks and the side effects can safely opt for the sponge.

To stay safe from accidental pregnancy, women who prefer back up methods to a condom or the pill.
Women, who can be sexually spontaneous and prefer to avoid the messy gels, oils and cremes.
Finally, women who find it difficult to fit in the diaphragm.

This is how women can benefit from the usage of sponge for the contraception purpose and can avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Delayed menstruation and Home Remedies

Delayed menstruation

Are you worried about your delayed menses? Find out the reasons of delayed menstruation apart from pregnancy and live a healthy life.

Nandini got her first menses when she was thirteen year old. She had some idea about menstruation cycle. She was finding it difficult to digest the fact that she got it now. According to her she was too young to get it. After completion of her first menstruation she was relieved but scared to face the next menstruation. It was difficult for her to change the mindset that she will get menses in seventh or eight standards as told by her friends.

Her second menstruation was delayed by two months. Going to school during menses was a difficult situation for her. She noticed that her menstruation cycle was not regular. Each time it was delayed by more than fifteen days. When she was in junior college she was shocked as she did not get her menses for two months. But the cycle was restored without any medication. It was regular for the next five years. When she turned twenty she had to face the delayed menstruation again.

Nandini did not want to take medicines for correcting her menses. She preferred waiting to get menses naturally. Was she correct on her part? Now she was sure that every woman has to face such delay in menstruation some time or the other. But she was aware that one reason was pregnancy. However she was trying to find the other reasons as she was not involved in any sexual activity. Read on to know more about delayed menstruation and reasons for it other than pregnancy.

What is delayed menstruation?

It is caused because of the changes that keep taking place in our body. When menstruation delay is too long it is necessary to consult a doctor. The menstruation cycle delayed for 2 - 3 days is normal for most of the women. However lots of women prefer waiting for occurrence of menstrual cycle naturally.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

There are several reasons for delay in menstruation cycle. Have a quick look at some of the common causes.


Hormonal imbalance

Imbalanced diet

Weight loss

Thyroid diseases



Ovulation deficiency

Polycystic ovarian diseases

Coping with delayed menstruation

Avoiding delayed menstruation depends totally on the condition of your body. Your body takes time to adjust to the changes so it causes delay in menstruation. You should try to understand the needs of your body first. The most important thing is that you should have a balanced diet.

Delayed menstruation can also be caused when you make certain changes in your daily routine. This can involve heavy exercise or adopting a diet plan. You should give some time to your body to adapt to these changes instead of going for medication in the initial stage. All you need is patience.

If your menstruation cycle is delayed for three months you should consult your physician. It is more advisable that you treat your delayed menstruation period through Ayurvedic remedies. Avoid taking medicines without doctor's prescription for preventing complications. Staying healthy and fit is the best remedy for avoiding all the menstruation problems.

Home Remedies for Delayed Menstruation

Delayed menstruation is a problem faced by a lot of women. These irregular periods may create hormonal imbalance in the body of women. It may even become the root cause for dangerous disease. In the biological terms, delayed menstruation is termed as Amenorrhea.

Delayed menstruation has been a chronic problem for many females. One often gets a twinge in the breast and experience the heaviness in the lower abdomen due to the delay. They might also feel lethargic and suffer with nausea. However, there are various reasons for the delayed menstruation. It differs from individual to individual. Initially there were not many medications available like today. But still people rely and like to use home remedies to cope with this problem.

Home remedies in combination with the medicines have a greater impact on solving the problem of delayed menstruation. However, if you prefer to take medicines in addition to home remedies, you should consult your doctor. Using home remedies may even help the person to restore the regularity in menstruation cycle. People who are really annoyed with the problem of delayed and irregular periods, here are some natural tips which you can keep in mind.

Home Remedies or Alternative cure

Collect roots of banyan tree, extract and boil them with the help of decoction. Mix it with cow's milk and have this before bedtime for stimulating menstrual cycles in your body.

Grapes are also very effective. Drinking of grape juice on daily basis helps you in regularizing of the menstruation cycle. Eating grapes in the raw form will also help. However, overeating grapes may have other side-effects like lose motions too.

Parsley is another effective herb. It is one of the most efficient home remedies which can prevent menstruation disorders. Parsley juice can be consumed everyday in form of a medicine to get regular periods.

Take some radish seeds and grind them with water. Make a paste and mix it with buttermilk. After mixing the paste with buttermilk, drink it on a regular basis. You can have it once in a day to get positive results.

One can also take a decoction of bitter gourd (karela) roots and have it one or two times in a day. This might help in commencing the periods.

In order to avoid the menstrual irregularities, saunf (fennel) seeds are also proved to be very helpful.

A decoction which is being prepared from coriander (cilantro) leaves or seeds is also very helpful in getting your periods. But make sure that you have it thrice in a day.

Take some fig (anjeer) roots and boil them. Now filter the decoction and have it for a few weeks to normalize the cycle.

The most common way to regularize your irregular cycle of menstruation can be done by having Papaya. You can either have it in the raw form or in unripe form.

In order to stimulate your menstruation cycle you can also have carrots.

Aloe Vera pulp or juice can also help in getting regular cycles of periods. Having it on regular basis will get you positive results.

Drinking sugarcane juice before a week or before two weeks of your menstruation cycle will also help you in getting your periods early. This is very common and most frequently used method by everyone.
These are only a few home remedies which will help you to improve your menstruation cycle. If you are allergic to any of the above mentioned remedies, avoid them. Delay of menstruation cycle is not good for health as it may lead to some harmful and dangerous diseases or problems. Home remedies are reliable and are the best alternative cures for overcoming delayed menstruation.

Sunday 3 November 2013


Winter wear is always tricky. You want to look good and wear something fashionable, but at the same time you want to make sure that you�re warm and snug.

Every year most of us spend at least a few days sick in bed because we sacrificed warmth in the quest to look good. Why is it so hard to achieve both?

Here are some tips on how you can look hot and keep warm this winter!


Invest in a pair of knee length boots. They are a great buy, because you can then get away with wearing a knee length suede or denim skirt, which would otherwise be virtually impossible in the winter. Make sure you wear stockings or thigh length socks (preferably the colour of your boots), as just a skirt may not provide you with adequate protection from the chill. You could also pair the boots with jeans that have a slit up the side, no higher than the length of the boots.


If your budget doesn�t allow you to go in for knee length boots yet, don�t fret. Instead, go in for closed shoes, with pointed toes. Shoes that end in a point look more formal and fashionable than other shoes, and you can wear them with anything to immediately dress up an outfit. However, you may not find these shoes comfortable for daily wear, especially if you have to walk around a lot. Nothing beats keds for walking, and thankfully, canvas shoes are very fashionable at the moment, so invest in a pair of blue canvas shoes that you can wear with all your jeans.

Coats and jackets

Going shopping for a coat? Often people tend to rush in and buy one, only to realize it�s too large or too small. While buying a coat, remove all excess clothing, and wear only what you would normally wear under the coat. Then, try it on and button it up from the front. Stretch your hands out in front of you as if you are steering a wheel, or hug yourself, and see if it feels too tight. If it does, you should go in for a bigger size. If you are perfectly certain that you will never button up the coat, you could go in for one a size smaller. Avoid buying oversized and fluffy windcheaters or jackets. Go in for well-fitted ones, and opt for wool over PVC. Windcheaters are great after a workout, but are far from sexy.

What colour?

Although white is a great colour for a jacket as it can look very striking, it will get dirty all too soon, and is not very practical. Similarly, colourful jackets like dusty pink or burgundy look great, but cannot be paired with many outfits. On the other hand, no matter what you think, you really don�t need more than one black jacket.

It thus makes sense to first stock up on the basic colours, and then slowly build up your wardrobe. Remember, overcoats and jackets last a long time, and through many seasons, so you can afford to buy unusual colours as well, as you will wear them often through the years.

After buying a basic black overcoat, opt for a camel coloured jacket, which will go great over a black, navy or red turtleneck sweater. Try and fit a bright, long coat into your wardrobe, like turquoise or even orange. Wear it with basic blacks and blues, and the minute you put it on you will feel a lot brighter and sexier.